Sunday, June 11, 2017

Grammy visits KC

Daddy had to take a work trip for majority of the week prior to Mother's Day weekend. Mommy had a pretty packed work week so Grammy came to save us while Daddy was gone. It was a great, fun-filled week!

We enjoyed a morning trip to Panera for a bagel and coffee. This was just like old times when mommy and Grammy used to go to Panera when mommy was in college. James was a good sport and enjoyed watching the buses through the Panera window. 

Snuggles for Grammy as we waited in line to order.

Post Panera trip we went to the park. James was clearly tired and needed a nap so we didn't stay long. I love the picture below as it depicts James perfectly in his stage right now and Grammy's look is priceless. :)

Cousin Jack had a fieldtrip in KC on Friday, so we enjoyed an impromptu visit from him and Aunt Meggie for the afternoon. James sure LOVES Jack, and pretty sure he is just as smitten with him.  

Friday night Mommy and Daddy got to enjoy a date night! We were fortunate enough to snag some Garth Brooks tickets and enjoyed a few pre-concert beers at a brewery in the Crossroads District. Thanks, Grammy for keeping James for us!
Saturday morning, mommy and Grammy set out on their first Mother's Day fun run/walk. We hustled through a 1 mile walk and then enjoyed some post race treats. It was definitely fun to get to do this together.

Post-race, we treated ourselves to a relaxing Mother's Day pedicure!


Also while Grammy was visiting, James decided he would try a few new stunt in the den.


Grammy's face is priceless here!
 James also took advantage of laying on the love and kisses extra thick with Grammy! :) Or as he calls her, "Gia".

We also spent a lot of time outside getting to know the sprinkler. :) This boy LOVES being outside and LOVES the water!

 Not only were we thankful for all of the love and attention Grammy gave James for the week. But, we also enjoyed Grammy's cooking!!  Admittedly, I might have made her make my favorite childhood meal not once, but TWICE while she was visiting and I have ZERO regrets. James was even a fan of the pork cutlets!

It was a great week with "Gia" visiting. Mom, I am so thankful for you in so many ways!! Thank you for giving up your week to love on James and to help me keep my sanity. Oh, and to help me drink some wine! :) Love you!


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