Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Words! Words! Words!

Sweet James- are you full of words lately or what? Any by "words" I also mean short sentences. You are clearly developing your verbal skills at a rapid pace and I'm doing my best to try to recall everything you have/are saying. So, here is a running list to date that I can clearly recall.

  • MaMa
  • DaDa
  • "Bid" (bed)
  • "Bankey" (blankey)
  • Pooh
  • "Eh-mo" (Elmo and Elbow)
  • "Kih- e" (kitty)
  • "Horsh" (horse)
  • "Fock" (frog)
  • "Buh- e" (bunny)
  • "Moush" (mouse)
  • Cow
  • Puppy
  • "E-low" (yellow)
  • "Orsh" (orange)
  • "Ink" (pink)
  • "Geeeen" (green)
  • "Back" (black)
  • "Bown" (brown)
  • "Rid" (red)
  • "Sowwy" (sorry)
  • " Ah- dun" (all done)
  • "Mow peas" (more please)
  • "Cacker" (cracker)
  • "Pish" (fish)- along with this one he can also name every character in "Finding Dory". Not sure if I should be proud or ashamed of his accomplishment.
  • "Geh" (Gibbs- the neighbors dog. He also thinks every dog he sees is Gibbs.)
  • "Gia" (Grammy)
  • "Gan-dad" (Grandad)
  • "A-dee-inn" (Adrienne)
  • "Bice" (Bryce)
  • "Ack" (Jack)
  • Along with names- he also knows all of his friends names and teachers names from school (10+)
  • "Sopping" (shopping)
  • The kid knows all of his shapes and colors. Tonight he told me "Ock- gone" (octagon....SERIOUSLY?!?!)
This is what comes to mind in my tired brain tonight. He is really expanding his words and each day I hear something new. I need to start carrying a notebook so I can keep it all straight.

Toddler life lately....

We are deep into the world of "toddlerhood" in our house. There are SO many things that I am loving about this age/stage and SO many things that are challenging. Let's see if I can recall most of them.

This guy- he's purely just the happiest kid. His personality clearly outlines that he is passionate about anything he is doing that given moment, and if he doesn't approve he will let you know. :)

James love animals, especially aquatic life. With his current obsession of fish (thanks, Finding Dory), we took him into the nearby Pet Store to scope out the fish. Definitely a huge hit!
"Pish, Pish!!"
The kid is a passionate eater...but only for the things he likes (carbs, dairy, etc). Although, one day he may love bananas and then the next wants nothing to do with one. Why are toddlers like this??? I continue to be perplexed.

James has apparently started a new "cheese face".

He still loves a good nap in his car seat. Here he is, post splash pad play date with PJ a few weekends ago. Clearly worn out! 

And lets not forget about the KC Royals! We've taught him young and taught him well that the Royal's are who he should root for, regardless of their poor season thus far. He constantly wants to watch the "Royash" and is always looking for "Salvy", "Moose", and "Hoor- Hey". Raise them Royal, right?
Getting his daily dose of the Royals.

Along with his current obsession of the Royals comes his obsession with "Beish-ball" in the backyard. Here is he critiquing daddy on his form. :)

Other things James is currently obsessed with are puzzles. He is crazy good at them and has now started putting the pieces in the wrong place just to mess with us. He will say "ink" (pink) as he puts the pink tail with the white face and say, "noooo!", like he knows it doesn't below there. Silly boy!

 He also has some serious love for watermelon! One day he nearly devoured a quarter of a watermelon. He especially thinks it's fun to eat it in a wedge and not in little pieces. Big boy!

Another recent "first" was last weekend at John's company picnic where James enjoyed his first carnival ride. He loved it! Daddy on the other hand did not. :)


Life continues to be a blast with our little guy. Each day he teaches us something new and continuously laughs. I'm amazed as his ongoing development and how sharp he is.

We love you sweet boy and we hope you always keep your spark and zest for life!

Tuesday, June 13, 2017


John and I were fortunate enough to enjoy a weekend in NYC sans James over Memorial Day weekend. Not only did we get the chance to visit one of our favorite cities, but we got to enjoy it with our good friends, The Kelley's!

6 AM flight...one person is clearly more excited than the other.
Asleep before take off.
We arrived in NYC around lunch time and checked into our hotel to be greeted with the view of one of the 9/11 Memorial pools. Such a beautiful, humbling memorial. For anyone visiting NYC, this is a must on the "to-do" list.

After a quick lunch, we quickly jumped in and hit the city to see the sights. Bethany has been to NYC before, but it was a first for Kyle. So, John and I did our best to ensure they saw all of the important things. 

Enjoying a sweet treat at "Big Gay Ice Cream". I'll spare you John's story from the last time we were in NYC..... 
3 "Salty Pimps" and some rainbow sprinkles for Kyle
 We found a bar nearby to enjoy a rum beverage for Happy Hour!

And then we found another bar (a Cuban bar) to continue to enjoy the libations! The last time John and I were at this bar/restaurant I was 20 weeks pregnant and clearly unappreciative of the loud music and the fact that I was there WAY past my bedtime. But this time....we had a blast!!
Group selfie!
Hands down the BEST mojito!! We may have even gone back to get another pitcher after we had dinner at a Thai restaurant.
Post dinner/happy hour subway ride back to the hotel.
John and Kyle enjoying the subway.
The ladies- a few pitchers of mojitos may have contributed to this fine picture. :)

Saturday we were up and at 'em to enjoy more sites. First up, the Flat Iron Building!
They were clearly not ready for a picture.
A quick pit stop at Grand Central Station.

Prior to the trip we had all agreed upon seeing a broadway show of some fashion. We agreed on the Phantom of the Opera. It was a great show!

Ready for Phantom!

Post Phantom, we ended up in a sea of food tents with some festival going on . AMAZING food of all varieties and ethnicities.  
Fried Ice Cream
Resting our feet in Central Park.
Love this guy- would be lost without him!
We found ourselves desiring to bar hop post dinner after our post- Phantom feast. We stumbled upon a super fun bar with live music called Wicked Willy's. We enjoyed a few live tunes and a massive, glowing fish bowl.
The Ginger up to no good as usual.

Around 9:30pm we figured we would start to find a venue for dinner, so we ventured to Little Italy. First up was a cannoli. So amazing!  
Holy cannoli!
I don't remember the name of the Italian restaurant we decided to eat dinner at. But, all I remember was that it was literally one of the best meals that I have ever had. My lobster ravioli was amazing and complete with a half of a lobster. I ate every. single. bite. I think we all agreed it was the best meal of the trip. Great company, great weather to sit outside, and we even had a view of the Empire State Building.


Sunday was our last day in NYC. We were glad to have half of the day to enjoy more sites before heading to the airport. First up was a stop to grab a NYC bagel. My selection? Everything bagel with lox and cream cheese. I'm still dreaming about this bagel and wish I could have one half this good on a daily basis!

View outside of our hotel door of the new bus station and World Trade Center building.
So thankful for this girl!

Sunday we ventured to the Bronx before heading to the airport. We were informed that there were some good, authentic food places that we should hit up before leaving town.

En route to the Bronx.
Exploring in Flushing Park.
Italian ice- Mango and Coconut
 We made it to the airport in plenty of time to decompress and enjoy one last beverage before boarding our flight back to KC.

But then we enjoyed one last drink on our layover in Nashville with a glimpse of some good 'ole country tunes.

But most importantly, we were SO glad and thankful to be home and wake up to a sweet, happy boy on Monday!

Sunday, June 11, 2017

Mother's Day 2017

Mother's Day was extra special this year. Special because I was blessed to celebrate my 3rd Mother's Day with James and also because I got to enjoy the week/weekend with my own mom. Not everyone in this world is as lucky as I am to get to share a special relationship with their mom. I'm thankful for her in so many ways. She is the reason that I am half the mom that I am today.

I can honestly say that being a mom is the greatest joys in this world. Greater than I had ever imagined. I am so blessed that I get to be James' mommy. The love that a mother has for their child is literally indescribable.

James- thank you for letting me be your mommy and for teaching me new things each day and for showing me what true love is. You are my greatest joy in this world, sweet boy!

Mother's Day gift James made at school.

Mother's Day fun at the park!
A little Mother's Day water play!
Taste of Summer
Man, do I love this nugget!!

Mother's Day challenge that I saw on Facebook one day: a picture while pregnant, when your child was born, and your child today. What a fun, amazing and blessed journey this all has been. I am so thankful for this nugget that made me a mom!