Sunday, January 15, 2017

Christmas Eve

Ok, prepare yourself for "holiday blog post overload" over here. I'm clearly behind on posting about the holidays so here goes.

Christmas was pretty low key at our house. We kicked off Christmas Eve with an early start to the day. Four a.m. to be exact! Clearly someone was NOT tired (yeah right, look at those eyes).

The activity of choice upon awaking on Christmas Eve.

Given James' typical nap schedule, we hosted Christmas Eve at our house this year with Grandmommy and Uncle Mikey. James was rather helpful in being everyone's present opening assistant.

Christmas Eve family picture. Obviously momma is a little tired, check out those dark eyes! 

Extra love for Grandmommy. :)

Proud mom with her boys.

We attempted at several group shots. Albeit a little blurry, we got everyone in one frame and all with smiles. Not too shabby for a selfie!

James took a good afternoon nap while us adults indulged in a little wine and board game activity. James awoke from nap to open his Christmas jammies and new sheep lovey.

James and mommy in Christmas jammies pre-bedtime.
Excited for Santa.

While James was sound asleep, mommy and daddy took the opportunity to exchange Christmas gifts as we knew Christmas morning we would both be engrossed in James activities. This year we the 4 categories: 1) Something you want, 2) Something you need, 3) Something to wear, 4) Something to read. I was pretty pumped when I opened my "read" to find the Thug Kitchen cookbook. 

After a few rounds of games and drinks we played "Santa" and headed off to bed. This was quite the peaceful sight as we headed upstairs. I'll admit, I really enjoyed our front living room this holiday season. It turned out so cozy, just as we had envisioned. 

 Merry Christmas to all, and to all a goodnight!

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