Monday, January 23, 2017

Happy New Year!

After a busy Christmas weekend and starting off the last week of December with a diagnosis of RSV for James, we headed north to Des Moines for the Birnbaum/Widmer/Howe/Leach Christmas gathering. We were able to hit the road a little earlier than anticipated on the 30th allowing James to get in a nap. We had barely been on the road for five minutes when I turned around and saw this sight.

Then about half way through the journey, I turned around to see someone snacking on his toes. :)

We arrived in DM mid afternoon. Jillian didn't waste any time at all applying her mothering skills on James.
  Jack also enjoyed some James snuggle time.


At the mercy of Aunt Malia and Aunt Meggie.


Post dinner bath assistance from cousin Adrienne. She was the best helper and did a great job of washing James' hair.
Bath time wouldn't be complete without more cousin fun. Rub-a-dub-dub...silly boys in the tub!

After the kids were all dressed in their new jammies, we had to get the obligatory cousin pic. Just precious!

The kids all had a blast exchanging gifts. This year, we thought it would be fun for them all to have a "Secret Santa". I think they all enjoyed it!

All of the kids headed for bed so the adults could have some time of sanity. But first, James and Urban had to have a stare down. :)

Toddler vs Cat

Sisters and husbands game night. We had many laughs and stayed up way past our bedtimes!

Saturday morning, the gang minus Grammy headed to a new donut shop called, Hurt's Donut. James was lucky enough to get to sample his first donut. The verdict? He approved!


After some shopping time at Jordan Creek post devouring donuts, we headed back to G & G's for some snuggles and quiet time.

Saturday afternoon was also filled with a craft, orchestrated by G and G. Bird houses for the birds in the back yard. The bigger kids all decorated with food on their houses while James colored his.

Mores snuggles with cousin Jack. These 2 are buddies!

Silly boy cousins!

James' sleep schedule was less than stellar while at G & G's. Both Friday and Saturday night he decided he would party from 1-4/5 in the morning. Needless to say we were all feeling a little toasted. Here, I caught Grandad and James asleep. Grandad had snuck in the room to rock him so he would actually take a nap.


 The Howe and Widmer clan had loaded up and headed to their respective homes on Sunday while we stayed at G and G's another night. I think James enjoyed the one-on-one attention from G and G. Here, James enjoyed showing off for Grammy in the tub as he flopped around like a fish.

Such an ornery little look!
Cute, wittle buns!
Being ornery standing up as Grammy kept telling him to sit down.

 We headed back south late morning on Monday. James enjoyed yet another nap on the way home.

It was a great weekend and a great start to the year to get to be with family. Happy New Year! 

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