Saturday, September 24, 2016

Busy Week

We have had a busy week at our house. Pretty much non-stop action since Sunday.

Saturday night, cousin Jordan came to stay with us. He and James had some fun before bed playing in the empty car seat box. Who needs toys anyways?! I think these two enjoyed playing together. Probably a lot of mischief ahead with these two.

Daddy had to leave us to travel to Indiana again for work- for 5 days (I digress)! Before he left, James made sure to help me with all of the laundry so he could pack. 

I received the shipment of some clothes for James from If you do not know what this is, please do yourself a favor and visit the site. It's fabulous! Great kids clothes, super soft, and good prices. Oh, and FREE shipping for the rest of the month!  James was less than impressed with the long sleeved cardigan that mom picked out.

Grammy and Grandad decided to come rescue us for a few days. They arrived Tuesday, spent the day with us on Wednesday (my off day), and then headed north on Thursday. There was an abundance of playtime and book reading had by all. I think the three of them enjoyed their time together.  

A rare, still moment. Be still my heart.
With Grammy and Grandad's help, I made some spaghetti for dinner. James enjoyed himself as he made quite a mess. While some parents may find messes and mealtimes annoying, I find it rather humorous and love watching him explore new foods.


And then bath time is always a must after a messy meal. 

Rub-a-dub-dub, cute baby in the tub!
Thanks to a little cough, to finish off our week we got to re-start lovely breathing treatments. Better to be on top of things so we don't head down the wrong path given our respiratory history. James is a pretty good sport overall with doing these treatments.


Yet another busy week in the books! We are about three weeks away from having a one year old in our house and I cannot even begin to wrap my head around that. I've said it many times before and I'll say it again, but where is time going?! Our guy is growing and changing so fast and we are loving every minute of it!

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