Monday, October 3, 2016

Farewell Infant Room, Hello Toddler Room

Today was a big day for our guy- his first day in the toddler room at school! We have graduated the infant room and have moved on to bigger things. James seems to be loving life, but mom isn't so sure she is ready for this next step of chaos. I'm embarrassed to admit that I shed a few tears as I read the classroom supply list over the weekend that instructed us to bring a "blanket" for the cot at naptime. Seriously? My baby can't be big enough to use a blanket, or so I thought.

All motherly-emotions aside he had a great day! He apparently loved the time on the playground, went down the slide, walked all over the place, took a 2 hour nap, ate good- he totally rocked it! We're still working on what the right amounts of milk it is going to take for him to get through the day (we had to toss about 8 oz of milk tonight), but we'll get there. I keep wanting to believe that he is still my little baby that needs tons of milk and forget he is eating table foods like a champ these days.

He made it home tonight with only one small bruise on his forehead and zero bite marks (after the teacher told me at lunch that she had to save him 3 times from getting bit by the other kids).

Oh, James. I'm so glad you did so well today but, where is time going? (Sigh....)

Pleased that he survived the day!
Tired baby.

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