Sunday, July 24, 2016

Summer Fun

Summer has been full-o-fun lately. Here's what we've bee up to....
Dadd had to travel to Indiana again for a few days. With mommy's busy work schedule and threat of solo parenting, I called for reinforcements. G  & G came to the rescuse while daddy was away. They can in town Monday afternoon. We all enjoyed a nice dinner together before daddy had to cach his flight. James was sure glad to see them and didn't hesitate to start his charm right away.
G & G kept James home Tuesday as mommy had an early morning meeting. I think James and Grandad enjoyed some bonding time Tuesday morning.
Tuesday evening was James' 9 month check up. Grammy went with us to help occupy the wait time. He was either happy that Grammy was with us or happy about the fact he didn't have to get shots this time. :)
Snuggles with Grammy while we waited on Dr. D.
James got a good report at his check up. He weighs just under 21 pounds and is 28 inches tall. His ears still look great and as far as we know he is healthy. Wahoo! We will go back in October for his 1 year (OMG!) check up. It just doesn't seem possible that he is almost one.
G & G headed out on Wednesday morning. But before they left James made sure to take advantange of story time with Grammy.
So sweet!
One group shot before G and G left. James really enjoyed the extra attention despite the cranky face.  
Someone needed a nap. :)

Other shenanigans that James has been up to lately? Being a total squirrel in the bath tub. This kid is all. over. the. place. One of these days he's going to slip and hit his heads despite my ongoing efforts to keep him in a seated position. 
Hugging the tub.
Cute wittle buns.
He's also had quite the personality at meal time. I find this picture to be particularly cute and quite accurate of his charming personality.
On Saturday we loaded up to meet the Berggren cousins at a near by pool. With the weather/heat index in triple digits, we settled on an indoor pool. A win for everyone! James and PJ had a blast.
"What is this thing?"
The look of pure joy. :)
Sweet cousins. :)
What a great week/weekend it was spent with family and friends!

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