Saturday, August 6, 2016

Busy Boy

Oh James, you are quite a fun ball of energy. You are one busy boy and seem to be getting busier by the minute. These pictures speak to your exact level of energy at this stage of life. :)

Climbing tubs. Yes, he got up there all by himself.
"Running" with our push toy.
Looking so proud of your accomplishment.
Back to running again.
And then you started to stand up...on your own...without help...from a squatting position.

In other news, this next picture gave me a good laugh. There was a day last week where I had to pump right after I got home from work (thanks a lot to the afternoon full of meetings at work!). James had already had his afternoon bottle. From the looks of his excitement at seeing his beloved liquid gold, it appears that I won't be able to pump in front of him much longer. Ha!

And in more news, James got his first official bite at daycare! :( I noticed it Monday night as we were getting him ready for bed. Poor baby! I'll spare everyone the details of the conversation that Momma Bear had with daycare on Tuesday morning.


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