Saturday, July 16, 2016

Happy 9 Months!

Sweet Baby Nugget,
Another month has passed before my eyes and you are now 9 months old today! NINE. I just don't know how that is even possible. I've had my emotional moments this week as you've approached turning 9 months old. I don't know why. Maybe it's because all of a sudden you seem bigger to me. You are a little less snuggly and have these 2 top front teeth that suddenly make you look like a toddler. Momma is NOT a fan. While I am SO thankful and blessed to watch you grow, I can't help but wonder where my little, squishy baby went. are some things about you at this fun age.  :)
  • James currently weighs just over 21 lbs. Almost triple his birth weight! He has his official 9 month check-up next week so we will get more official stats then. Thankful no shots at that visit.
  • He's got 4 teeth- 2 front top and 2 front bottom. His teeth next to his top fron teeth could emerge any day taking his count up to 6! Poor kid. I will say he has been a trooper and hasn't been overly fussy.
  • He continues to be a good sleeper. Sometimes we go in spurts where he doesn't do as good- mostly when he is getting new teeth, hitting a new milestone, or when he was having a lot of trouble with his ears. Overall, we cannot complain!
  • He eating a wide variety of foods and seems to be doing well. He LOVES grilled cheese and little baby bel cheeses (are you seeing a pattern here?). He'll eat almost any fruit or veggie but isn't the biggest fan of hamburger just yet. He is still breastfeeding like a champ! I'm so thankful I've been able to keep up with his demand. Never in a million years would I have thought I could have made it this far exclusively breastfeeding.
  • Chunky monkey is now rocking 12 month clothes. Occasionally some brands in 18 month. I've already started buying 24 month sizes for warmer fall/winter clothes.
  • He LOVES school and seeing his friends. One of his friends in the infant class recently moved to the toddler room and James got to go over and play with him one morning. He will likely transition to the same toddler room sometime in September. It's so crazy we are already talking about him transitioning. I feel like we just dropped him off for the first time a few weeks ago.
  • He LOVES books! In particular, he loves his "One Fish, Two Fish..." Dr. Seuss book. He'll often crawl over to the shelf, grab that book, and somehow get it to John or I to read it to him.
  • He is crawling everwhere, climbing stairs, and has started to do some cruising. Just tonight he decided to take a few steps with assistance from the laundry basket. "Active" is going to have a whole new meaning in our house pretty darn fast!
  • Sassy- boy is he getting sassy. And he's starting to comprehend when we tell him "stop" or "no" when he is about to harm himself. He will turn around and kind of grunt or shout back at us. Super funny now although I'm sure there will be a day where we do not find it funny. He is going to be so, so ornery. :)
Time is flying and the days seem to get more busy while chasing this sweet boy. We are so thankful that he is happy, healthy, and developing appropriately. I love seeing him explore new things and watch how they excite him. Happy 9 Month Birthday my sweet, James! It is such a joy to be your mommy. We love you bunches!!

Always on the move!
A rare, still, snuggly moment. Be still my heart.
Little Bookworm
Story time with Dad.
Baby yoga
Making progress with his sippy cup.
Looking all big.

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