Monday, March 21, 2016

Cousin Visit

 While Daddy was away over the weekend, James and I took the opportunity to visit the Widmer gang. It was a fast day trip but, definitely worth it. James was a good boy and slept both to and from Boonville. When we arrived, cousin Jack was pretty elated to see his little cousin. Bryce, too!
Helping feed James.
Lots of hugs for Baby James.
Jack kept saying, "Aww, he wants another hug!"
Some floor play time. Jack and Bryce were not afraid to keep the toys coming James' way.
Love this one!
Lots of kisses for Baby James.
Nap time snuggles on Aunt Meggie.
Bryce warming up to James.
Before James pinched Bryce.
"Uhhh mom, what's he doing here?"- Bryce
Thanks again, Widmers for having us. We sure enjoyed spending the day with all of you!

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