Wednesday, March 16, 2016

5 Months

Dear James,
You are 5 months old today! I know I say this every month but seriously, time is FLYING BY! This past month has brought so many new things and you have achieved some pretty big milestones.
Some fun things about you right now....
1.) You LOVE your toes! You are constantly grabbing and sucking on your toes during diaper changes, baths, during playtime on your mat, and even when you are supposed to be taking a nap (I guess they are distracting to you).
"Mmm, so good!"
Bath time toes
Nap time toes
Hmm, now how did those toes get out?
2.) You are going to be a busy, busy boy! You love to roll around, push up on to your hands, and attempt to tuck your knees under you like you want to crawl. One of these days real soon you are going to figure out how to put your knees under you at the right time and just start crawling. But for now, you kind of "inch bug" around to get what you want.
"But I want both of them!"

 3.) You are teething like CRAZY! MY heart breaks for you at times because I know you must be uncomfortable. You are drooling and chewing on anything remotely close to your mouth. Your two, front bottom teeth are starting to come in and have broken through your gums. I'm sure our breastfeeding relationship is going to have it's moments in these next few months. :) Be nice to mommy, okay!?
4.) You are starting to sit alone with some assistance. You will perch up for just a short time before you topple over onto your belly and try to scoot across the floor. This past weekend you were pretty proud of yourself as you showed mom and dad how good you could sit! 
 5.) Boy do you love your Daddy! I will admit, he's a pretty cool guy and an awesome daddy. You two enjoy hanging out a lot and you both light up whenever you see each other. It's fun to watch your relationship grow each day.
6.) still love them! It won't be long before you are out of your whale tub. Grow a few more inches and your feet will be at the end of the tub!
7.) Your thumb. Your beloved little thumb. You love it and are so stinking cute when you suck it. You have turned out to be such a good self soother and we are so thankful for that! 

8.) Sleep. You still continue to be a good sleeper. You typically sleep anywhere from 10-12 hours at night. Occasionally you'll wake up once during the night to nurse then go back to sleep. You are also now a belly sleeper and move all over your crib at night and I never find you in the position I left you. Overall, we have zero complaints! Keep it up, son!

10.) And your favorite...eating! You are still a rock star at breastfeeding and we have started experimenting with solid foods. You are not so much a fan of rice cereal so we decided to skip it and move on to avocados. You seem to LOVE avocado! I look forward to watching you grow to love different foods over these next months.
Our little avocado monster. :)

You are growing into such a sweet boy, James. I look at you now and no longer see a squishy newborn, but now a curious little infant that wants to see everything that's going on around him. You are always still so smiley, happy, and have the sweetest giggle that could turn any bad day into the best of days. We cannot tell you that we love you enough! You are the joy and light of our lives and we are so blessed to be your mommy and daddy. We are excited to see what this next month brings you and us as parents.

Happy 5 months, sweet boy! We sure LOVE you to pieces!

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