Tuesday, January 19, 2016


When I pick up James from daycare in the evening, I get a sheet that tells me all about his day. For example, how many bottles he drank, number of naps, and diaper changes. This also includes a summary of the activities that the class did for that day. The description usually starts with, "James and friends....." 
Just how many friends can a 3 month old have,  you ask? Well, it seems as though our boy is making plenty of friends. John had called me one morning at work after he had dropped James off. He told me that when he dropped off James, and handed him to his teacher, she placed him in one of the bumbos next to 3 other kids. He said there was a 4th kid that was over across the room, rolling around on the play mat. He said when the teacher placed James in the bumbo, the kid on the play mat (who is 4 months older than James) saw it was James, started crawling his way, sat up next to him, and immediately started holding his hand. John admitted that it's not easy to leave James at school all day (and I agree), but that seeing this kid do that immediately as James was placed within his reach was pretty cool. :)

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