Sunday, January 17, 2016

3 Months!

Dear Sweet Boy,

You turned 3 months old yesterday! I think the days fly by faster and faster each month. Things about you at this age...

  • You are such a happy and smiley baby! Whenever your dad, myself, or anyone else talks to you, you flash the biggest toothless grin. Your smile totally melts me and your happy demeanor is so charming. Seriously, we hit the jackpot!
  • You continue to be a good sleeper sleeping through the night 90% of the time. You are usually ready for bed around 8:00 and sleep until I get you up before work around 6:00 a.m. I beg you, PLEASE continue to be a good sleeper!
  • You are still a rockstar eater. You breast feed and take bottles like a champ! On an average day, you nurse in the morning before school, take anywhere from 18-24 oz. while at school, then nurse 2 more times at home before bed in the evening.
  • Speaking of being a good eater, the number on the scale also reflects this. :) Yesterday at the doctor you weighed a whopping 14lbs and 4oz. Your thighs are chunky, you have wrist rolls, and dimples on the knuckles of your hands (which I find totally adorable). I loooooove a chunky baby and I love my chunky baby even more! :)
  • Your dad and I think you're in the process of teething. You've been more fussy on certain days, your drooling has increased as you now wear bibs, and anything remotely near your mouth will become a chew toy in an instant! This is only the beginning.....
  • You are an official thumb sucker and it's adorable. One night during bath time, you found your thumb and started putting yourself to sleep. It was pretty darn precious. 
  • Daycare- you are doing well at daycare. Your teachers seem to love you and dote over how good of a baby you are.
  • You consistently roll over from belly to back and act like you are going to crawl long before we're ready for you to. :)
  • You are getting so strong- your head and neck control is much improved and you love to stand on mommy and daddy's lap with support. You're now able to sit in the bumbo without being a bobblehead and you love it!
We are so thankful for you and that God make us your parents. You are truly the light of our lives and are the joy in our every day. We pray that you continue to be a happy and healthy baby.

We love you to the moon and back!

Mommy & Daddy

Those big, brown eyes get me every time.

Happy baby!

"Wait, I'm how old?"

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