Friday, January 22, 2016


Well....James' 2nd week of daycare has turned out to be a crappy one. The dreaded 3 letter abbreviation of all nursing moms with kids in daycare....RSV. James has been battling a cough off and on for a few weeks now. The first week his cough was more dry. I took him in just for peace of mind and turns out it was viral (which I already knew). We had been doing the regimen of humidifier at night, elevating his head in bed/letting him sleep in the rock n' play, saline and suction, steam showers. You name it and we did it religiously day in and day out. The cough kind of subsided after a few days until earlier this week I noticed his cough was getting worse. I had toyed with the idea of taking him in on Tuesday night, but didn't really want to risk our lives driving in the snow/ice storm during rush hour after work. So, I decided we should wait it out another night.

Wednesday I had a feeling I should call and talk to the triage nurse (who also happens to be a nursing school friend and former colleague of mine) to pick her brain. We both agreed it would probably be best to bring James in to be tested for RSV. I picked him up from daycare around 3 and we headed for the pediatrician's office. At check in his O2 sats were perfect at 100% and he was as happy as a clam despite his nasty cough and congestion. Dr. D decided we should test for RSV so we did and it was POSITIVE. Ugh! She also said it seemed like it was pretty early and hadn't reached it's peak yet. Awesome (insert sarcasm here). So, we left the the Dr's office and were instructed to return if his symptoms got worse and we were advised to keep him home for a week.

Thursday came and he still seemed pretty full of junk. Cough was about the same. John decided he would stay home with him so, away to work I went. I got home at about 5:00 to find James wheezing and retracting. I told John we immediately needed to go see Dr. D. So we loaded up immediately and away we went. We got to the dr's office and it was apparent that his breathing really became more labored during the 30 minute drive. Dr. D agreed that he was wheezing and working pretty hard to breathe, so we started with a breathing treatment to see if that would help. Ten minutes of screaming later, the breathing treatment didn'tseem to make a difference. Next up, deep suction. Mommy had to step out for this part (despite having had to deep suction many babies in my patient care days). The deep suction did wonders for reducing his wheezing and labored breathing. Dr. D decided admission wasn't necessary given that his oxygen saturation was perfect and he was eating/peeing just fine. So, home we went with the instruction to return on Friday if the congestion was still bad.

John stayed home again on Friday while I went to work. James' congestion was still pretty bad so John took him in again in the afternoon. Poor baby got deep suctioned for a second time. My heart broke that I wasn't there,  but John said he did good. He and James got home at about 6 and it was all snuggles from that point on. James was pretty worn out had no problem falling asleep.

Saturday morning James seemed to be less congested (yay!). John had been told to bring him in again if he was congested when he woke up. But since he seemed to have improvement in his symptoms, no trip to see Dr. D was needed.

Slowly but surely he's on the mend. RSV is so scary. Especially in a 13 week old. We pray that he continues to improve and feel better.  As much as I hate to say it, but I'm sure this is only the beginning of daycare sicknesses.....

Despite this week of sickness, he has still remained happy and smiley. :)

Tuesday, January 19, 2016


When I pick up James from daycare in the evening, I get a sheet that tells me all about his day. For example, how many bottles he drank, number of naps, and diaper changes. This also includes a summary of the activities that the class did for that day. The description usually starts with, "James and friends....." 
Just how many friends can a 3 month old have,  you ask? Well, it seems as though our boy is making plenty of friends. John had called me one morning at work after he had dropped James off. He told me that when he dropped off James, and handed him to his teacher, she placed him in one of the bumbos next to 3 other kids. He said there was a 4th kid that was over across the room, rolling around on the play mat. He said when the teacher placed James in the bumbo, the kid on the play mat (who is 4 months older than James) saw it was James, started crawling his way, sat up next to him, and immediately started holding his hand. John admitted that it's not easy to leave James at school all day (and I agree), but that seeing this kid do that immediately as James was placed within his reach was pretty cool. :)

Monday, January 18, 2016

First Full Week of Daycare

James finished his first full week of daycare last week. He was a trooper and we are slowly but surely getting the hang of our morning routine. He is usually so worn out from the day that he falls asleep on the way home and naps for a bit before the bedtime routine begins. This has allowed me to get unloaded, bottles sterilized, and bottles prepped for the next day before he wakes up and feeds. I hate that we only have a few hours together before bed by the time he bathes and eats. It truly makes me appreciate our time even more than before.
I also hate that I have to wake him up of a morning. I myself hate getting up early so I can only imagine how he feels. He is so snuggly and happy in the morning! I try to get up at 5 to get myself completely ready before getting James up around 6 to nurse him before he and John travel to daycare. John typically takes him to daycare in the mornings as long as he isn't traveling for work. He calls their time in the car together their "bro time". :) Momma here does pick up duty. Each day it feels like I can't get out of the parking lot fast enough to get my hands on him.
He seems to be doing well at school. His teachers are pretty impressed that he is able to self sooth himself to sleep for naps. He usually takes 3-4 short naps at school, 3 bottles, and seems to be happy when we drop him off of a morning. The highlight of my day is picking him up in the afternoon/evening and seeing him light up with a huge smile when he realizes it's me. :)
I pray that everything continues to go well. As much as I hate not being home with him, we are very blessed to have found a center that we are comfortable with.
So, here's to hoping that all continues to go well!

Pictured below: 
The bathtub scene on Tueaday night. He was so exhausted!
All smiles after nursing one morning. :)

"Mom, I'm sooo tired!"
Putting himself to sleep during bath time.
Happy boy before school.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

3 Months!

Dear Sweet Boy,

You turned 3 months old yesterday! I think the days fly by faster and faster each month. Things about you at this age...

  • You are such a happy and smiley baby! Whenever your dad, myself, or anyone else talks to you, you flash the biggest toothless grin. Your smile totally melts me and your happy demeanor is so charming. Seriously, we hit the jackpot!
  • You continue to be a good sleeper sleeping through the night 90% of the time. You are usually ready for bed around 8:00 and sleep until I get you up before work around 6:00 a.m. I beg you, PLEASE continue to be a good sleeper!
  • You are still a rockstar eater. You breast feed and take bottles like a champ! On an average day, you nurse in the morning before school, take anywhere from 18-24 oz. while at school, then nurse 2 more times at home before bed in the evening.
  • Speaking of being a good eater, the number on the scale also reflects this. :) Yesterday at the doctor you weighed a whopping 14lbs and 4oz. Your thighs are chunky, you have wrist rolls, and dimples on the knuckles of your hands (which I find totally adorable). I loooooove a chunky baby and I love my chunky baby even more! :)
  • Your dad and I think you're in the process of teething. You've been more fussy on certain days, your drooling has increased as you now wear bibs, and anything remotely near your mouth will become a chew toy in an instant! This is only the beginning.....
  • You are an official thumb sucker and it's adorable. One night during bath time, you found your thumb and started putting yourself to sleep. It was pretty darn precious. 
  • Daycare- you are doing well at daycare. Your teachers seem to love you and dote over how good of a baby you are.
  • You consistently roll over from belly to back and act like you are going to crawl long before we're ready for you to. :)
  • You are getting so strong- your head and neck control is much improved and you love to stand on mommy and daddy's lap with support. You're now able to sit in the bumbo without being a bobblehead and you love it!
We are so thankful for you and that God make us your parents. You are truly the light of our lives and are the joy in our every day. We pray that you continue to be a happy and healthy baby.

We love you to the moon and back!

Mommy & Daddy

Those big, brown eyes get me every time.

Happy baby!

"Wait, I'm how old?"

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Return to Work

I officially returned to work on Friday, January 8th, after an amazing 12 weeks at home with our sweet boy. Going back to work was SO HARD. The hardest thing I think I've ever had to do. I tried my best to not dwell on the last couple of weeks, but somehow knowing that the time to go back to work was quickly approaching had me an emotional trainwreck! I think I literally cried at least once a day during the 1-2 weeks leading up to this event. Anytime someone would ask me when I was returning, I would get teary and have to change the subject.

Prior to having James, when people would ask if I would ever want to stay home with him I would say, "I'm not sure I could do that. I think I would need to get out of the house to stay sane". But, I truly ate my words. If given the opportunity, I would stay home with James in a heartbeat! In the 12 weeks I was home with him we were able to bond and grow together. I became a pro at predicting his needs throughout the day and those early morning snuggles will only be available for so long before he's ready to be "on-the-go". It was truly a gift to be able to have that time together.

James did a practice run at daycare the Wednesday morning before I went back to work. We practiced getting up and out the door in time as we would have to on a typical work day. I took him in and dropped him off with no issues. His teacher, Michelle, gave me the run down of where things go, etc, before taking him in her arms. I was ok leaving him for a few hours as I knew I'd go back in a short time to pick him up and take him home to snuggle. To pass the time for me, I took the opportunity to run several errands. It definitely felt weird not towing him and the diaper bag around at each stop.

I decided to keep him home on Thursday since it was our last official full weekday to snuggle at home. I made sure bottles, bags, and clothes were ready for the next morning to make the getting ready process seemless. I woke up at 2:45 Friday morning when I heard James stirring. I needed to pump so I got that done. James fell back asleep as I didn't hear a peep when I was done pumping. I attempted to fall back asleep, but to no avail I laid in bed dreading my 5:00 alarm that would soon go off. I finally go up at 5:00 and got myself completely ready before waking James up around 6:15.  As soon as I woke him up and saw his big, toothless grin I began to tear up. I got him up to get him dressed and cherished every minute while nursing him before he had to go to daycare. John loaded him in the carseat around 7:00, and away they went as mommy cried (and as I tear up typing this....sheesh!).

I gave his teacher at school a call around 10:30 to check on him. He had had a good morning and took his bottle well. She informed me that he wasn't too happy at the moment as he had just gotten his feet painted during art time. :) It was bittersweet to be back at work. It felt good to interact with other adults, yet I still missed James like crazy. I am grateful for a great boss (who is also a female with 3 kids) that understands juggling a career and small children. In my meeting with my boss she encouraged me to leave an hour early to get James. I definitely did not hesitate to run out the door ASAP. :) It was the best feeling to get to daycare to pick up James. It literally felt like I couldn't get there fast enough. When I walked into his classroom he was peacefully asleep in his crib. I quickly loaded him up to head home for snuggles.

Needless to say we survived our first full day of separation despite the challenges and emotions. The saying, "absence makes the heart grow fonder" is even more true now than ever! And to all of you working momma's out there....I now get it. I totally understand the pain and mommy guilt associated with leaving your babe for the day. I pray that this process gets easier for our family (or that we win the lottery so I can stay home!) and that we enjoy every single moment together on the holidays and weekends. Time has always been precious, but now it brings a whole new meaning and appreciation. Rather than dwelling on how short the weekends are, I am going to try my hardest to appreciate those days with James as each day is a gift. :)

This is the look he gave me as I told him he was going to spend the day at daycare and not at home with mom. :(
First day of daycare. :) Look at that big belly!
The expression I got as I loaded him in the car to head home for snuggles.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Happy New Year!

We got to ring in 2016 with my family this year! It was also the first time that our nieces and nephews would finally get to meet James (as well as Uncle Matt and Uncle Deron). John was able to break away from work sooner than expected, so we headed up to my parents the evening of the 30th. I thought for sure James would sleep the entire way but, he proved me wrong. I turned around to see this scene....

Wide-eyed in the back seat.

He napped maybe 30 minutes of the 3 hr drive. About halfway he continued to cry so we pulled over to give him a bottle. By the time we arrived at my parents we felt a little frazzled!

Moving on....

We arrived at my parents about 9, got James ready for bed, and let him snuggle with some family before putting him to bed. We were all a little tired from the journey and called it an early night.

New Year's Eve brought more introductions of James. This time to his cousin Jack who has been sooooo excited to meet him! Jack just doted over James, told him stories, and sang him songs. It was the most adorable introduction!
Meeting cousin Jack. He was so excited!

Once morning naps were had, the chaos of Christmas was started. :) The 4 big kids opened gifts while James decided he'd just suck his thumb and take another snooze!
Fast asleep as there was a hurricane of present opening going on around him.
It was so loud with little kid excitement that I have no clue how he could sleep through it.
Opening his Christmas jammies from G & G.
Unsure about his new jammies? :)
A special gift from cousin Jack. The turtle that Jack wasn't willing to give up to his cousin before he was born. ;)
We enjoyed the rest of the day relaxing, playing games, and devouring the Siebenmorgen tradition of dessert waffles for dinner! My mom, John, Matt, Malia, Deron, and even this momma made it to ring in the New Year!
Friday brought another relaxing/lazy day. Aunt Meggie and I helped the kids with a few crafts while the boys went to see the new Star Wars movie. Sunday my mom, sisters, and I set out to make a run to Target when we got a little sidetracked and ended up at a bar nearby to have a beer and some mother/daughter time. :) We had sent a text to the guys that "Target has a new bar". Ha! It was definitely good for us to get out, be silly, and enjoy some time together as it doesn't happen often.

Sunday we packed up for the journey back to KC. As usual, the time spent at my parents always passes too quickly. It was so good to be home to see everyone and let everyone enjoy James. It was definitely a new experience this year with our new family member. :) James did much better on the ride home, sleeping the entire 3 hours.

Happy 2016! I am so excited to see what this year brings for our family.