Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Two Months

James Michael,

You are 2 months old today. TWO. MONTHS! I think this last month flew by faster than the first. How is that possible?! Your daddy and I are sure smitten with you and we think life with you is so fun. Some things about YOU at this age....

  • You are charming. You've started to develop your little personality and it is simply charming. You're always happy and smiley (unless of course you're over-tired or hungry). We absolutely love this about you and hope this continues.
  • You have started rolling over from your belly to your back! I have no doubt you'll be an early mover and I think I should probably start baby proofing now.
  • You have suddenly figured out how to suck your thumb. It's pretty cute and we laugh at how aggressive you get with it at times.  :)
  • You still LOVE to eat! You are a breastfeeding champ and have now worked your way up to 4, sometimes 5 ounce meals at a time. You are also a rockstar with your bottle, which will make the daycare transition easier.
  • Sleep- I would consider you to be a good sleeper for such a little guy. You usually go to bed between 7:30-9pm and are ready to get up for the day anywhere between 6-7am. You typically only wake once in the night (sometimes 2), to eat. You are also good at soothing yourself to sleep, whether it's on your activity mat, in your rock 'n play, or in your crib. PLEASE keep up these awesome habits!!
  • You love, love, LOVE bath time! As soon as you are old enough your father and I will be putting you on a swim team. You've really discovered how to kick and splash in your whale tub. You must think it's fun because you smile and coo the entire time. Your bath is part of your bedtime routine and it's obvious you look forward to it every day.
  • Speaking of routine....bedtime. We typically start the bedtime process around 7ish. You get a bath, fresh jammies, we try to read (if you're not screaming for food), mommy nurses and rocks you, and then off to sleep you go. Nursing and rocking you at night is probably my favorite. You are so calm and snuggly. I just sit there admiring you and pray to God to always keep you safe and healthy.
  • You LOVE your daddy. It's obvious the 2 of you will be best buds for many years to come. Whenever he comes in the room to see you, you light up with the biggest smile and coo as if you want to talk to him. He is so in love with you and cherishes all of the time he gets to spend with you.
Happy 2 months, sweet boy! You are the light and love of our lives and we cannot imagine what life would be like without you. Thank you for making our lives so much fun!


Mommy & Daddy 

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