Monday, December 21, 2015


Ah, yes...the "sleep" topic. How has our little man been sleeping? Pretty darn good (as I knock on wood to not jinx us). James has been impressing us the last few nights by sleeping through the night. He has done 2, 12 hour stretches with no middle of the night feeding and 1, 10 hour stretch with no middle of the night feeding. He had been only getting up once during the night to feed, however that hasn't happened the last few nights. He will occasionally cry out during the night but, about the time I'm ready to open his door to get him out of his crib the crying stops (and there is no way I'm going to go in and wake him up to eat!). 

James- we are pretty darn impressed with your sleeping habits thus far. We beg you to please keep up this awesome routine! Especially when mommy has to go back to work in 3 weeks. :)

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