Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Two Month Check-up

James had his 2 month check-up was Tuesday the 15th. How is it that this child is already 2 months?!?! Time, please slow down!
I had been dreading this appointment for a while now as I knew he would be getting shots. Why wouldn't I be ok with shots since I'm a nurse you ask? It's not that I'm not ok with it, because I's just totally different being on the other side. It's different watching your own kid get poked versus being the mean nurse doing the poking. :( I digress....
The appointment went great. James is growing like a weed (see his report card pictured below). Dr. D was pretty impressed with his weight gain (2lbs in 1 month). We survived shots, although it wasn't pretty. James cried so much he wore himself out and fell asleep. 

His growth stats.
Pre- shots
Waiting for shots..... :(
After shots. All tuckered out from crying hysterically.

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