Tuesday, November 10, 2015

James' First Few Days of Life

The first few days of life with James was already off to a busy start. We had family begin visiting the night he was born. First up, Uncle Mikey, Grandpa Jerry, and Grand-mommy (John's mom). John proclaimed that Mikey had to be the first to hold James given his middle name,  Michael, was given to him because of Uncle Mikey. It was a special moment introducing James to Uncle Mikey as Daddy got a little emotional.  :)
Our first night in the hospital was definitely not restful.  James ate every couple of hours and the nurses were stopping in assessing me and James every 2 hours. It was tough to get consistent sleep.

Meeting Uncle Mikey

Meeting Grand-mommy

Meeting Grandpa Jerry

Daddy supervising Uncle Mikey

Saturday morning came quickly. Next up to visit was Aunt Meggie. Her and James quickly snuggled in to one another.

Our friends The Fallons also made an appearance, and brought delicious Jimmy John's for lunch!

Baby swap! Savannah is 5 months older than James. I'm sure these 2 will get into lots of trouble together in the future.

Grammy and Grandad were up next! They immediately doted over grand baby #5. :)

Cousin Lindsay and family and Great Aunt Rochelle also stopped by for a visit. PJ is about 18 months older than James. I hope our boys grow up being close just like Lindsay and I have. 

It was a great first few days getting to introduce our sweet boy to family and friends!

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