Sunday, November 15, 2015

1 Month

Dear Son,

You are 1 month old today. ONE. MONTH. I seriously don't know where this last month has gone. It flew by so quickly, yet it also felt like time stood still (especially during those early morning feedings). I honestly don't remember what life was like before you arrived and simply cannot imagine living this life without being your mommy. You have changed our lives so much and have put a whole new twist of adventure into our everyday routine. 

Some things that stand out about you during your first month out of utero....

  • You LOVE to eat! You have been a rockstar at breastfeeding since day one, making it easier on mommy. You went from 7lbs 1oz to 7lbs 14oz in 5 days during your first week of life. Pretty impressive! 
  • At your 1 month check-up you weighed 10lbs 8oz, you were 21 inches long, and your head circumference was 14 inches.
  • You can go through a case of diapers like nobody's business.
  • You love your evening bath. It somewhat helps relax you for your last feeding of the night before we put you to bed.
  • You are getting better at sleep. The first few weeks were rough, but you'll typically sleep a 4 and a 3 hour stretch throughout the night. Not bad for a little guy.
  • You are strong. You've been holding your head up for short periods of time since you were in the hospital. It's obvious you will likely be an early mover and I'm already bracing myself.
  • You are so snuggly. I have loved being on maternity leave and soaking up all of your snuggles. Typically after your 6 a.m. feeding mommy will just hold you and we'll both fall back asleep on the couch before starting our day.
  • You are a rockstar in a social setting. You have already been to many restaurants, mommy and daddy's friends house, the grocery store, target, etc. As long as you have a fully belly you are a trooper and we love this about you!
  • You are a loud sleeper. You snore, grunt, and squeek as you sleep. When we first brought you home from the hospital you were sleeping in our room in your bassinet. Now, you have been graduated to your room so mommy and daddy can get sleep and not wake up from every little peep you make. :)
  • You love your carseat and car rides and completely hate your swing.
  • You are the king of fighting sleep! You must get this from your father because your momma cherishes her sleep times.
I think I could go on for days about your first month of life, but these are small things that stand out. You are such a good baby and we are so blessed that you are ours. We love you more than you will ever know, James Michael, and we look forward to the months ahead watching you grow and develop your own personality.


Mommy & Daddy

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