Wednesday, November 11, 2015

39 & 40

So, the other night I realized amidst the chaos of life with a newborn, I had never posted week 39 or 40's pictures/updates. Week 39 I was feeling BEYOND ready to meet our little guy. I was tired, uncomfortable, and just plain anxious as to when I would actually go into labor. We had a false alarm on the Tuesday before James was born and were sent home to continue to wait it out. We spent a lot of the week walking at night and I made sure the bags and car seat were in the car and ready to go. The night I started having false labor contractions, John made sure to finally pack his bag too, asking me "what is the temperature like in those places" (a.k.a. the hospital rooms). So without further ado, here are weeks 39 and 40. :)

Week 39

One of our last evening walks before James. The sunset was gorgeous that night!

Week 40 with our little peanut!

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