Wednesday, October 14, 2015


A little someone (who shall continue to remain un-named) though it would be funny to punk his parents yesterday. Starting at about 1:00 yesterday afternoon, I started having contractions consistently about every 5-9 minutes. I waited until this carried on about 2 hours and then decided I should probably give my OB a call. (Side note: I had a similar episode of this Monday night but then it subsided). The RN at my OB office called back, took my symptoms, and then advised me to go check in at OB triage. So, I called John, he picked me up from work, and away we went to the hospital.

We checked into triage and of course my contractions started to subside. GO FIGURE! This nurse of a mom was already humiliated. They hooked me up to the monitor, checked my cevix (still unchanged at 1cm), and then instructed me to walk the halls for about 45 minutes to see if anything would change. Post 45 minute walk everything was still the same. No change in cervix and had maybe 4-5 contractions. We were then discharged home. Can you say embarassing?

I should also note how adorable John's reactions have been to all of this. He has been super doting and accommodating to any need that I've had. Monday night when I started having contractions he immediately started packing his back while inquiring, "What is the temperature like in those kinds of places? (a.k.a. the hospital)" Then last night we didn't eat a snack or anything before going into OB triage so we were both pretty ravenous upon departure. We ended up at our favorite mexican restaurant as we headed home to which he told me, "We're not going in that place hungry ever again. Next time it's the real deal we're both grabbing a meal before going in." Haha, noted my dear. Noted. He was sure to leave for work this morning with his hospital bag in tow. :)

This child is already keeping us on our toes. Let the fun continue.....

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