Friday, October 9, 2015

38 Week Update

Alright kid, your time is almost up! :) Your momma is tired, uncomfortable, tired of living in the bathroom constantly peeing, and not sleeping. I love you dearly already and am dying to meet you so we can be sleep deprived in person together. :)
I had my 38 week appointment yesterday and left feeling "hopeless" as my progress from the previous week was "unchanged". Still dilated to a 1 and still about 30% effaced. I had some protein in my urine (which she was not worried about), otherwise all looked good. He still passed his BPP with no issues (well done, son!). We talked about if there were no changes in my cervix at my appointment next Thursday that we would plan an induction date, especially if he isn't here on my due date. My next 2 appointments are on the 15th and 19th (my due date). Hopefully he'll make his appearance on his own by then and we won't need to opt for an induction.
There's no other news to report. We just pray all continues to go well these next 10 days until my due date and that he has a safe and timely arrival.

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