Sunday, October 4, 2015

37 Weeks

I know I say this every week, but the weeks are seriously flying by. I can't believe today is the last day of week 37 and tomorrow starts yet another week of carrying this babe. What a blessing this journey has been thus far. It's wild to think that we just have a few short weeks until we finally get to meet him.

The week was an absolute whirlwind. Both John and I have been swamped with work. I was anxious Wednesday/Thursday as John had to leave for Mississippi and would be gone 24 hours. I knew I would be fine, but I was nervous that I would go into labor while he was several states away. But, we survived and that was thankfully his last time traveling for work until after the baby arrives.

I had my 37 week appointment on Friday morning. Again, all looked great on the sonogram and he passed his BPP with flying colors. My doctor and I reviewed being GBS positive and what that will all involve during delivery. She then checked my cervix and determined I'm at 1cm dilated and 30% effaced. She said she could feel my bag of water and his crazy! She said I'm "on track". I'll be curious to see where I'm at when I go in for my 38 week appointment. I got my flu shot and then was out the door to work. I think my mind was foggy majority of the day as I kept thinking how real everything is getting and that he really is almost here!

Here are my respectible belly pics for the week!

The week also brought forth some crazy nesting instincts and the urge to make homemade cinnamon rolls and homemade meatballs at 9:00 Thursday night.

I was also thrown a diaper shower at my work on Friday afternoon. My belly was filled with yummy treats and my car was filled to the max with diapers of all sizes, wipes, and some adorable extra baby gifts. We are sooo blessed and thankful for all of the gifts we received. I think we'll be off to a good start in the diaper department.

And lastly, more nesting urge as I made a homemade apple pie on Sunday morning with our fresh fall apples from the City Market.

We're praying for another good week ahead with this babe. We are getting so excited to finally meet him and discover how it's truly going to transform our life. Bring on the snuggles and challenges of parenting. We're ready!

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