Saturday, June 6, 2015

Registery Fun

Since we were able to find out we're having a boy, John and I decided to get the registering done and over with. We set aside Sunday morning/afternoon to tackle this big "to-do".

Let me preface this with the fact that I had A LOT of coaching from my sisters on the "do's and don'ts" of registering. I am SO thankful that I had their mommy guidance and expertise, otherwise I would have been drowning in a sea of baby crap. They were both generous enough to send me a list of necessities that will help me survive mommy-life. The lady at Buy Buy Baby even commented on the fact that my registry list was impressive.

I printed my 3 paged word document list and away we went!

Our first stop was Buy Buy Baby. This was my first time in this store and HOLY MOLY there was so much stuff! I think we stood in the "swaddle blanket" aisle for a solid 20 minutes as I was extrememly puzzled. After the initial shock set in we were well on our way through the store just scanning away! John was a great sport, giving input as we went along and being more agreeable to things than I thought he would be. My favorite part of Buy Buy Baby was picking out our little man's nursery bedding. His bedding is a "nautical" theme with sail boat and anchor sheets, mobile, and matching accessories. John has always loved nautical themed things and his excitement over these items totally made my heart complete mush! About 2 hours into the Buy Buy Baby experience John was totally checked out (admittedly, I was also a little drained). We turned in our scanner and headed for a lunch spot.

Our second and final stop was at Babies R US. We didn't have much to complete on this registry so it was a pretty quick stop. We scanned a few items that we didn't like at Buy Buy Baby, turned in our scanner, and away we went.

Overall, it as a very successful day! We think we registered for everthing that will help us with our little guy. Now I'm just excited to get everything together in his nursery!! :)

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