Saturday, June 6, 2015

20 weeks: HALFWAY!!!

We're officially 20 weeks and halfway through this journey!! There was a moment early in this pregnancy when I felt like anything beyond 10 weeks was going to feel like an eternity to get to. 

Things I'm loving....
  • His kicks and punches- man, is he a mover!! He still loves to  practice his karate moves first thing in the morning, mid afternoon, and then again in the evening before bed. I'll admit I have a really hard time getting out of bed in the morning as I could just lay in bed all day feeling him move around all day instead of getting ready for work.
  • My bump- it's little, round, and is noticable enough to not just look like a beer belly. I often look for shirts that hug and flaunt the bump. What first time pregnant lady doesn't?!
  • Full panel maternity pants- they are amazing and SO comfortable.
  • John's excitement- it's obvious he is so smitten already with our boy. He loves to feel his karate moves and is always making sure we are well taken care of.
We continue to love every minute of this journey and feel so thankful to be this little guy's parents already.

20 weeks

20 weeks- the size of a banana!

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