Wednesday, June 24, 2015

23 week appointment!

I hit the 23 week mark on the 22nd and had my monthly OB appointment on the 23rd. Here's a run down of how things are going.

  • My belly measured at 24cm.
  • His heartrate was good and strong at 155.
  • Weight is good- total gain so far is 17 lbs. We talked about how at my 19 week appointment I had a big jump, but then came back down. I informed her that was after our NYC trip that involved eating a lot of delicious food. Oops! At least I'm back on track. She is not concernd at this point.
  • Urine was good.
  • BP slightly elevated (no re-check this time- my OB knows I have a bit of "white coat")
  • He's moving A LOT!! My OB said as long as I feel him at least twice throughout the day that I'm good. I informed her that he is constantly on the move.
  • I talked about the Braxton Hicks that I have been having. She's not worried unless I have them every 15 minutes.
I really didn't have too many questions this time around. We talked about how my next appointment on July 27th will involve my glucose test, another sonogram to measure his size (WOO HOO!!), and then my follow-up with her. I think I started to panic a little as she told me after my July 27th appointment (I'll be 28 weeks) I will start coming every 2 weeks. Holy Moly!!

This pregnancy is seriously flying by. I have loved every minute of it so far and we feel so blessed and so thankful for this little miracle. Keep up the good work little man, we love you to pieces!
23 weeks: definitely growing!!!

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