Wednesday, June 24, 2015

22 Weeks and B.U.S.Y.

22 weeks was a rather busy one! Good but, busy.

  • John's truck died on Monday
  • John was out of town for work Monday- Wednesday
  • Car hunting
  • Decluttering the condo/re-organizing
  • A trip to the Widmer's
  • One of the sonographers at work scanned me one afternoon
  • John's Triathlon
  • Father's Day

The week started off with John's truck taking it's last breath in an intersection downtown. We are deep in the process of finding a replacement that is "family friendly" and somethign we can grow in. his red truck is still under a bridge downtown as it will not make it far once started. We are still in the process of test driving options. To be continued.....

Friday afternoon one of the sonographers at work offered to scan me. I quickly jumped at the opportunity! It was so good to see our little man again. He was being rather shy this time, not showing his face much. When we finally got a view of his face he had both hands up by his face and at one point was sucking his thumb. :) John wasn't able to be there but I was able to take a few pics/videos on my phone and text him.

Friday night I headed to the Widmer's while John prepared closet construction in our bedroom. This involved cleaning out the closet completely, painting, ripping out the old shelf, and installing beautiful shelves and drawers (a mom-to-be's dream!). His dad came to help and they did an awesome job!!! We have already thrown out so much stuff and can now start organizing the baby's room.

I spent Friday night/Saturday going through baby clothes/gear at the Widmer's. I am so blessed to have older sisters for many reasons! Getting baby clothes, gear, etc is just one of the awesome perks! I came home loaded with bags of clothes, breastfeeding pillows, sink tub, nursing attire, and more.  I don't think our little man will need many clothes if at all! Thanks, Widmer's! We really, really appreciate this! Now, we just need to order a dresser to put the clothes in. :) I should also note that our nephews were A LOT of fun! It was nice to get some one-on-one time with them. Normally they are so enamored with Uncle John that I am forgotten. Jack broke my heart when he cried as I was leaving. He was extra snuggly and lovey towards me and the baby. I know those boys will be great big cousins.

Sunday was Father's Day. We started the day with John's triathlon, which he did awesome in! After we came home and cleaned up, we headed to Lawrence for John's haircut (he loves the Mass Street barber) and a yummy lunch at Free State. We ended our day with test driving another truck and then finishing up some clean up at home.

We were both exhausted after the weekend but, we did feel as though we got A LOT accomplished in preparing for this little one. Now hopefully we can keep the momentum. :)
22 Weeks
22 Weeks
Baby L's foot in the upper right corner.
Face shot with his arms and hands by his face.
Jack snuggles post Saturday afternoon nap.
Almost done with the swim.
On the bike- going fast!
Almost to the finish line!
Cheers to a great 22nd week! Lemonade for this momma. :)

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