Wednesday, June 24, 2015

23 week appointment!

I hit the 23 week mark on the 22nd and had my monthly OB appointment on the 23rd. Here's a run down of how things are going.

  • My belly measured at 24cm.
  • His heartrate was good and strong at 155.
  • Weight is good- total gain so far is 17 lbs. We talked about how at my 19 week appointment I had a big jump, but then came back down. I informed her that was after our NYC trip that involved eating a lot of delicious food. Oops! At least I'm back on track. She is not concernd at this point.
  • Urine was good.
  • BP slightly elevated (no re-check this time- my OB knows I have a bit of "white coat")
  • He's moving A LOT!! My OB said as long as I feel him at least twice throughout the day that I'm good. I informed her that he is constantly on the move.
  • I talked about the Braxton Hicks that I have been having. She's not worried unless I have them every 15 minutes.
I really didn't have too many questions this time around. We talked about how my next appointment on July 27th will involve my glucose test, another sonogram to measure his size (WOO HOO!!), and then my follow-up with her. I think I started to panic a little as she told me after my July 27th appointment (I'll be 28 weeks) I will start coming every 2 weeks. Holy Moly!!

This pregnancy is seriously flying by. I have loved every minute of it so far and we feel so blessed and so thankful for this little miracle. Keep up the good work little man, we love you to pieces!
23 weeks: definitely growing!!!

22 Weeks and B.U.S.Y.

22 weeks was a rather busy one! Good but, busy.

  • John's truck died on Monday
  • John was out of town for work Monday- Wednesday
  • Car hunting
  • Decluttering the condo/re-organizing
  • A trip to the Widmer's
  • One of the sonographers at work scanned me one afternoon
  • John's Triathlon
  • Father's Day

The week started off with John's truck taking it's last breath in an intersection downtown. We are deep in the process of finding a replacement that is "family friendly" and somethign we can grow in. his red truck is still under a bridge downtown as it will not make it far once started. We are still in the process of test driving options. To be continued.....

Friday afternoon one of the sonographers at work offered to scan me. I quickly jumped at the opportunity! It was so good to see our little man again. He was being rather shy this time, not showing his face much. When we finally got a view of his face he had both hands up by his face and at one point was sucking his thumb. :) John wasn't able to be there but I was able to take a few pics/videos on my phone and text him.

Friday night I headed to the Widmer's while John prepared closet construction in our bedroom. This involved cleaning out the closet completely, painting, ripping out the old shelf, and installing beautiful shelves and drawers (a mom-to-be's dream!). His dad came to help and they did an awesome job!!! We have already thrown out so much stuff and can now start organizing the baby's room.

I spent Friday night/Saturday going through baby clothes/gear at the Widmer's. I am so blessed to have older sisters for many reasons! Getting baby clothes, gear, etc is just one of the awesome perks! I came home loaded with bags of clothes, breastfeeding pillows, sink tub, nursing attire, and more.  I don't think our little man will need many clothes if at all! Thanks, Widmer's! We really, really appreciate this! Now, we just need to order a dresser to put the clothes in. :) I should also note that our nephews were A LOT of fun! It was nice to get some one-on-one time with them. Normally they are so enamored with Uncle John that I am forgotten. Jack broke my heart when he cried as I was leaving. He was extra snuggly and lovey towards me and the baby. I know those boys will be great big cousins.

Sunday was Father's Day. We started the day with John's triathlon, which he did awesome in! After we came home and cleaned up, we headed to Lawrence for John's haircut (he loves the Mass Street barber) and a yummy lunch at Free State. We ended our day with test driving another truck and then finishing up some clean up at home.

We were both exhausted after the weekend but, we did feel as though we got A LOT accomplished in preparing for this little one. Now hopefully we can keep the momentum. :)
22 Weeks
22 Weeks
Baby L's foot in the upper right corner.
Face shot with his arms and hands by his face.
Jack snuggles post Saturday afternoon nap.
Almost done with the swim.
On the bike- going fast!
Almost to the finish line!
Cheers to a great 22nd week! Lemonade for this momma. :)

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to the dad-to-be!

It was a busy day in our home. It started with John's triathlon, which he rocked in 1 hour and 4 minutes! We came home to clean up for the day and headed to Lawrence, enjoyed lunch at Freestate, and then test drove trucks (more on that in another post). It was a great day spent together enjoying the day and talking about how next year our child will probably be running laps around us.

John- I have no doubt you'll be an amazing father and role model for our son. You already show him unconditional love in the womb. :) I am so blessed to be on this journey with you!
The baby thought Daddy needed these books for bedtime stories. 

Our regular bedtime routine. :)

Friday, June 19, 2015

Braxton Hicks

The other evening I was sitting on the couch at home and felt this belly of mine get super tight. It was weird, random, and I thought nothing of it at the moment. Later I realized this was likely a Braxton Hicks contraction. A few days went by and then I noticed it happened again at work. They are totally random, infrequent, and feel so weird!

This is only the beginning...... :)

Monday, June 8, 2015

21 weeks

We hit 21 weeks yesterday! I looked at this pic and thought, "wow". Pretty sure I grew from Sunday night into Monday. My bump is definitely growing and becoming more round but, I couldn't be more in love.♡

Keep on growing little one!

Saturday, June 6, 2015

20 weeks: HALFWAY!!!

We're officially 20 weeks and halfway through this journey!! There was a moment early in this pregnancy when I felt like anything beyond 10 weeks was going to feel like an eternity to get to. 

Things I'm loving....
  • His kicks and punches- man, is he a mover!! He still loves to  practice his karate moves first thing in the morning, mid afternoon, and then again in the evening before bed. I'll admit I have a really hard time getting out of bed in the morning as I could just lay in bed all day feeling him move around all day instead of getting ready for work.
  • My bump- it's little, round, and is noticable enough to not just look like a beer belly. I often look for shirts that hug and flaunt the bump. What first time pregnant lady doesn't?!
  • Full panel maternity pants- they are amazing and SO comfortable.
  • John's excitement- it's obvious he is so smitten already with our boy. He loves to feel his karate moves and is always making sure we are well taken care of.
We continue to love every minute of this journey and feel so thankful to be this little guy's parents already.

20 weeks

20 weeks- the size of a banana!

Registery Fun

Since we were able to find out we're having a boy, John and I decided to get the registering done and over with. We set aside Sunday morning/afternoon to tackle this big "to-do".

Let me preface this with the fact that I had A LOT of coaching from my sisters on the "do's and don'ts" of registering. I am SO thankful that I had their mommy guidance and expertise, otherwise I would have been drowning in a sea of baby crap. They were both generous enough to send me a list of necessities that will help me survive mommy-life. The lady at Buy Buy Baby even commented on the fact that my registry list was impressive.

I printed my 3 paged word document list and away we went!

Our first stop was Buy Buy Baby. This was my first time in this store and HOLY MOLY there was so much stuff! I think we stood in the "swaddle blanket" aisle for a solid 20 minutes as I was extrememly puzzled. After the initial shock set in we were well on our way through the store just scanning away! John was a great sport, giving input as we went along and being more agreeable to things than I thought he would be. My favorite part of Buy Buy Baby was picking out our little man's nursery bedding. His bedding is a "nautical" theme with sail boat and anchor sheets, mobile, and matching accessories. John has always loved nautical themed things and his excitement over these items totally made my heart complete mush! About 2 hours into the Buy Buy Baby experience John was totally checked out (admittedly, I was also a little drained). We turned in our scanner and headed for a lunch spot.

Our second and final stop was at Babies R US. We didn't have much to complete on this registry so it was a pretty quick stop. We scanned a few items that we didn't like at Buy Buy Baby, turned in our scanner, and away we went.

Overall, it as a very successful day! We think we registered for everthing that will help us with our little guy. Now I'm just excited to get everything together in his nursery!! :)

Thursday, June 4, 2015

NYC cont' pictures

In KC waiting to take off.
Times Square Selfie
The Letterman Show...ah, memories!
The new 9/11 tower.
Inside the 9/11 Museum.
9/11 Tower Pool
The tree that survived 9/11.
The night Baby L decided he would kick so much and so hard that Daddy could feel for the first time. :)
Ess-a-Bagel.....The. Best. Bagels. Ever.
Grand Central Station
Trains in Grand Central Station
Strolling through Central Park
John on a rock in Central Park.
Central Park
Pre-Off Broadway show- Avenue Q
Trip #2 to Ess-a-Bagel
Filming of the Today Show near Rockefeller.
Selfie at Rockefeller
View of the city from New Jersey.
Ferry Ride to Ellis Island
Lady Liberty

19 weeks!!
19 weeks
The 3 of us. :)
Yankee Stadium
Royals vs. Yankees at Yankee Stadium
View from our outfield seats.
Park next to Yankee Stadium