Thursday, November 7, 2019

Happy 9 Months, Sweet Ben!

So I think it's safe to say that it's going to be easier for me to start at current state and work my way backwards (at least that's what I'm telling myself). Our sweet Ben Ben is 9 months old today! How, just how? As I'm going back through pictures I'm just blown away at how much he has changed in just 9 short months. I feel like he has been ours forever, yet he is just still so little. Some things I want to remember about him at this age.
  • He has such a sweet, yet spicy personality. He is snuggly, yet can clearly already hold his own against big brother.
  • He LOVES James and it's clear that it's mutual. I am loving everything about watching their love and relationship flourish.
  • He loves food in any form he can get his hands on!!
  • Weighs 20 pounds and is quickly approaching into 12 month clothes! I'll be curious to know how long he is at his check up next week.
  • Sleep comes in waves. Sometimes he does great and others not so well, especially around the time of ear infections.
  • He is a FAST crawler and is trying to hard to walk. I believe we are on borrowed time before he starts running!
We love you more than you know, sweet boy! Our lives are all simply sweeter because of you!









Thursday, October 17, 2019

Benjamin's Birth Story

After many long and awaited weeks, filled with anticipation and anxiety, February 6th (our induction date) had arrived! It seemed like an eternity to make it through 38 weeks and we were as ready as we were ever going to be for our littlest dude.

We were scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 5:00pm. Grammy and Grandad were already at the house and ready to assume "James duty". John and I spent the morning with James, soaking up some extra special time with him. I took advantage of an afternoon nap with him knowing that would probably be the longest stretch of sleep I'd see for a while, ha! We gave lots of hugs and kisses and away we went!

It was a cold February day and a big snowstorm was in the forecast. My OB had told me the day before that she'd have the resident team keep her updated throughout the night and that she would see me throughout the morning (the 7th).

We waited for a little while before they called us back to our delivery room. Once we were in the room we signed papers and started to get settled. First up was Cytotec to start the induction process. I was already dilated to 1cm and not very effaced. My OB had tried to strip my membranes the day before to see if that would help move things along at all. Upon admission we also discovered that Ben was face up or "sunny side up". Not good!

After several hours of the first round of Cytotec, I was progressing a little, but not a ton. The resident didn't want to do another round of Cytotec, so we moved on to the cook balloon and Pitocin. But first, epidural!!! They had asked if I wanted the epidural before or after the Pitocin. Being no dummy, I requested the epidural first. I will note here that I had an excellent CRNA that placed my epidural. My epidural was a dream! I could still feel contractions minimally but had plenty of pain control. Glorious!

It was a little after midnight and things were starting to move forward. The goal for the rest of the night was to try and get some rest- which was literally impossible for me! I feel like the nurse was literally in every hour once I got my epidural, my pump was constantly beeping, my blood pressure cuff was going off, or the nurse needed something totally random. John on the other hand had plenty of naps (although he was say otherwise).

Around 7:00 am on the 7th my OB popped her head in. I was SO relieved to see her, especially knowing that it had snowed a bunch overnight! I think by this point I was roughly at 5 cm or so. We were still playing the waiting game but, the goal was to deliver by noon before my OB had to leave town. At that point my OB decided to break my water to speed things along. If I remember right, this was around the time she also turned Ben so that he would be face down and deliver easier, which was successful!

From 7:00 until about 10:00 was a blur. I wasn't able to get a nap. At one point there were several people in the room because Ben's heartrate was dropping. They decided I needed some oxygen, which was scary. My OB examined me and thought maybe he was pushing up against his cord. At one point I thought I was about to be wheeled back into the OR for a C-section, but then things turned the corner and calmed down.

It was roughly around 10:45 am when I started to notice more pressure. I casually mentioned it to John and he called the nurse in. Sure enough, it was go time! At that point, the room flooded with people and within about 10-15 minutes Ben was placed on my chest! He was perfect and all felt right in the world.

After an hour of skin-to-skin time and feeding like a champ, the baby nurse took him to give him his first bath and they prepped me to go to the mom-baby floor.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Final Weeks as Three

January flew by and we were quickly into February. I had several OB appointments and ultrasounds. Ben was being monitored weekly for growth and fluid levels. At one point it was mentioned that I was measuring big. My blood pressure was also being difficult. It seemed like every OB visit towards the end they were sending me to triage to be evaluated. Between being huge physically and the stress of the pregnancy I was just more than ready for Ben's arrival, yet trying to soak up every last second of James being the only child.

At my second to last OB appointment I was sent to triage yet again. I was 37 weeks and at that point they told me that they wanted to go ahead and induce at 38 weeks. Eeeek! I was induced a little with James, but had already started laboring. This time I would go in in the evening and they would start the induction process altogether.

I was glad to finally have an end date with the pregnancy, yet so nervous of the outcome. It was helpful to have a date so that we could plan for help with James and make sure he was taken care of rather than having to rush in the middle of the night if I went into labor.

Since we had an induction date set for February 6th we made the most of our final weekend as a family of three. We really took that time to soak up James and give him extra love. It was so bittersweet to accept James not being the only child. But man, it is such a joy to watch him be a big brother!

Family brunch in Lawrence. We did the same thing the last weekend before we had James.

Park fun!

Family picture before we left for the hospital!

Friday, June 28, 2019

January 2019

We survived the chaotic holiday season this year! With being in my third trimester we didn't travel for the holidays, and spent majority of the month of January at home preparing for baby number two's arrival. Some things to highlight.....

James finished up his first round of swimming lessons! It was touch and go there for a while, but he ended strong. We haven't enrolled him in any more classes yet, but hoping to do so soon!

Cousin Brittany came to visit and helped us transform James' room to a big boy room and put some finishing touches on Ben's room. We enjoyed every minute of her visit and as always, love her art work! She spoils us!

We had some surprisingly mild weather to start the New Year, but it sure made for some perfect maternity pictures!

James continued to battle his usual respiratory junk. A cough and fever had me suspicious of that pneumonia was brewing. We had gotten him evaluated at an urgent care and started antibiotics. Later that night he spiked a high fever and started vomiting so we went in to the ER and landed ourselves an immediate admission with IV antibiotics. Poor guy had a rough time, but thank goodness for fast and good care!

I continued to progress through my pregnancy with baby #2. I still battled a lot of anxiety and stress related to it. I had several trips to triage  due to high blood pressure, but that just meant more monitoring for baby. January was a busy one, but got us a month closer to meeting our baby boy! behind...

Well, here I am again. Severely behind in the blogging world. I've got a boat load of posts to make and I'm going to start chipping away. Let's face it, blogging with an addition of another child around is basically non-existent (poor, Ben!). Bare with me as I sift through the memories of the last 6 months!

Monday, December 24, 2018


James is it that you are already three? And also, how is it that your mama is 2 months behind on blogging about your birthday? Sigh...

Three. Where do I even begin to describe you at three? Here are some things that instantly come to mind.

  • You are funny. So funny! You crack jokes, make up new remixes to songs with random words, and are a jokester. A day is never dull with you. Ever!
  • You are becoming more sensitive and aware of feelings. You don't like to be reprimanded for things and sometimes get really teary if mommy and daddy have to get after you about something that is unsafe.
  • You are completely potty trained (and have been for several months). You still wear pull ups at bedtime, but otherwise rock your big boy underpants throughout the day with minimal accidents.
  • You say some of the funniest things. I think my favorite phrase to date is "Mommy, what's this called 'bout?" (aka- Mommy what is this about.)
  • You are full of energy! From the moment you wake up to the moment you go to bed, you are 110% energy!
  • Sleep- for the most part you do great. You occasionally have some random nights where you wake up, but for the most part you do great. You still want to snuggle at bedtime and read a lot of books. Lately it's been close to 9:00 most nights when you are finally in bed and asleep, so we need to work on that before baby brother arrives. :)
  • You are smart. So smart! You daddy and I are legit starting to worry that you will be so bored in Kindergarten. You know all of your colors, shapes, numbers, and alphabet. You can spell some basic words and just have an overwhelming knowledge and awareness for anything around you. You seriously amaze us daily with something new! :)

All-in-all, we couldn't love you anymore than we already do! You make us proud on a daily basis and fill our lives with so much joy! We are so grateful for you each and every day and pray that you continue to grow into a healthy young boy and always lean on us and God through your life.

We love you, James Michael!

1 Day Old

1 Week Old







Friday, December 7, 2018

Life Lately with the Leaches

Well, here I am again. Severely behind on my blogging with James, Baby L and just life in general. Life has been busy and we are all just trying to stay afloat. Some major recent highlights.....

  • I have finally reached my third trimester with Baby Leach. I'm 29 weeks today and just grateful to have made it this far and praying our next 10-ish weeks are smooth. We are slowly (and I mean slowly) but surely making progress with his room, etc.  And when I say progress, all I've done so far is hang curtains and bug John to move furniture and clean out the closet, etc. We finally decided to move all of the "nautical themed" items from James' current room to the baby room. James agreed to hand them over so we've started planning a new theme for his room and have let him be involved. As of right now he wants trucks, trains, and construction type things in his room. John's cousin Brittany will be paying us a visit in January to make all of these changes come to fruition! :)

  • We spent Thanksgiving at the Widmer's with the boy cousins and Grammy and Grandad. The boys had so much fun together and played hard. Many good plates of food and desserts were had by all!

  • James turned 3 (back in October)! I am in the progress of working on his special birthday post and will get that updated asap!!
Our big 3 year old!!

  • We are busy prepping for the upcoming Christmas holiday. James has been so fun to experience the holidays with this year! His awareness and understanding of everything that is going on around him makes me in awe. We've been reading a lot of books about Christmas and talking about Santa. James is really into the Grinch (original version) and does a good job of pointing out that the Grinch is mean to steal all of the presents and is mean to his dog Max. The kid clearly doesn't miss anything! I love to hear what is on his Christmas list and I hope he will be excited on Christmas day to see what Santa brings him.

  • James also had his Christmas program last night at school. As to be expected, it was absolutely adorable! He did great and I will get some pictures up in a separate post.

  • James saw Santa. The verdict this year? He loved him!!! He ran right up to him and gave him a hug. Total 360 change from the last two years!