Friday, December 7, 2018

Life Lately with the Leaches

Well, here I am again. Severely behind on my blogging with James, Baby L and just life in general. Life has been busy and we are all just trying to stay afloat. Some major recent highlights.....

  • I have finally reached my third trimester with Baby Leach. I'm 29 weeks today and just grateful to have made it this far and praying our next 10-ish weeks are smooth. We are slowly (and I mean slowly) but surely making progress with his room, etc.  And when I say progress, all I've done so far is hang curtains and bug John to move furniture and clean out the closet, etc. We finally decided to move all of the "nautical themed" items from James' current room to the baby room. James agreed to hand them over so we've started planning a new theme for his room and have let him be involved. As of right now he wants trucks, trains, and construction type things in his room. John's cousin Brittany will be paying us a visit in January to make all of these changes come to fruition! :)

  • We spent Thanksgiving at the Widmer's with the boy cousins and Grammy and Grandad. The boys had so much fun together and played hard. Many good plates of food and desserts were had by all!

  • James turned 3 (back in October)! I am in the progress of working on his special birthday post and will get that updated asap!!
Our big 3 year old!!

  • We are busy prepping for the upcoming Christmas holiday. James has been so fun to experience the holidays with this year! His awareness and understanding of everything that is going on around him makes me in awe. We've been reading a lot of books about Christmas and talking about Santa. James is really into the Grinch (original version) and does a good job of pointing out that the Grinch is mean to steal all of the presents and is mean to his dog Max. The kid clearly doesn't miss anything! I love to hear what is on his Christmas list and I hope he will be excited on Christmas day to see what Santa brings him.

  • James also had his Christmas program last night at school. As to be expected, it was absolutely adorable! He did great and I will get some pictures up in a separate post.

  • James saw Santa. The verdict this year? He loved him!!! He ran right up to him and gave him a hug. Total 360 change from the last two years!



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