Friday, June 28, 2019

January 2019

We survived the chaotic holiday season this year! With being in my third trimester we didn't travel for the holidays, and spent majority of the month of January at home preparing for baby number two's arrival. Some things to highlight.....

James finished up his first round of swimming lessons! It was touch and go there for a while, but he ended strong. We haven't enrolled him in any more classes yet, but hoping to do so soon!

Cousin Brittany came to visit and helped us transform James' room to a big boy room and put some finishing touches on Ben's room. We enjoyed every minute of her visit and as always, love her art work! She spoils us!

We had some surprisingly mild weather to start the New Year, but it sure made for some perfect maternity pictures!

James continued to battle his usual respiratory junk. A cough and fever had me suspicious of that pneumonia was brewing. We had gotten him evaluated at an urgent care and started antibiotics. Later that night he spiked a high fever and started vomiting so we went in to the ER and landed ourselves an immediate admission with IV antibiotics. Poor guy had a rough time, but thank goodness for fast and good care!

I continued to progress through my pregnancy with baby #2. I still battled a lot of anxiety and stress related to it. I had several trips to triage  due to high blood pressure, but that just meant more monitoring for baby. January was a busy one, but got us a month closer to meeting our baby boy!

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