Monday, October 22, 2018

Baby Update

I hit the 22 week mark this week and things are starting to feel more real each day. This pregnancy has been quite the rollercoaster so far. I had my anatomy scan on the 3rd. Things were relayed to look great until the end when the sonographer shared that there were some "spots" in baby's abdomen raising concern. This alerted the high risk doctor and the genetics counselor to do more testing. Also worth noting- I went to the appointment alone. John and I had been I the ER until 3:00 in the morning with James that day for Croup. It was a rough night for all of us. James had finally fallen asleep at 5:30 that morning and we both felt it was best he slept, so John stayed home and I went to the appointment solo assuming all would be fine.

I left the doctor a complete sobbing mess, terrified that something terminal was wrong with this sweet peanut. They drew blood for the genetics tests that I wouldn't get back for a few weeks, which felt like pure torture to my anxiety. Here we are a few weeks later and all of my testing came back normal...praise Jesus!!! I will still have another scan on the 31st just to see if the spots have resolved, or what could be the cause. Otherwise this peanut is doing great and growing/developing appropriately.

My belly is really starting to expand now and starting to make me a little more uncomfortable. This babe often dances on my bladder and likes to kick my cervix from time-to-time. But, I can't complain as I love to feel his movements!

I'm hopeful that in the next few weeks we'll start to work on his nursery. We have already migrated the rocking chair from James' room to the baby's room. next step will likely be to clear out the bed to make room for the crib and get the closet cleaned out so mama can start nesting.

This pregnancy has felt so fast and so slow at the same time. I can't believe in just 6 weeks I'll be in my 3rd trimester....crazy!

Keep on growing little man! We can't wait to meet you.

Image may contain: 1 person, ultrasound

Image may contain: one or more people and text

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