Friday, October 19, 2018

Life Lately

Summer has come and gone and Fall is quickly upon us! Our Fall schedule seems to be rapidly filling up. And although we go into weekends not anticipating any plans, we end up with a weekend full of plans. That being said, here is what's been going on in the Leach residence lately.

James continues to keep us on his toes! He is opinionated, independent, and funny. The kid truly is a riot. From conversations with friends at school to asserting his own opinion just in everyday life- it truly is fun. Right now, he's super into pretend play, dinosaurs, Toy Story, and PJ Masks. He continues to love peanut butter and anything sweet (just like mama!). I love watching him develop a passion for something and really dive in and give it his all. I believe that trait will serve him well in life!

Baby Leach continues to grow! I will be 17 weeks tomorrow. It's crazy that I'm almost "halfway" in this pregnancy. I only continue to pray that things continue to go well. We have our 20 week anatomy scan in a few weeks so I think it will be helpful to get through that milestone. We are anxious to start feeling consistent movement from our sweet babe!

James is also excited to be a big brother. We do a lot of talking about the baby, etc. He is always interested in discussing the baby, where the baby is, and what his/her name will be. Still assuming we are having a boy, James has named his baby brother, which I find totally endearing. I love that we will have that story to share for many years to come.

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