Monday, February 5, 2018

The Terrible Two's....They Have Arrived!!

Oh, James. I don't even know where to begin with you lately. You are so fun and exhausting in the same sentence and to date, you are truly acting TWO! Some things about you right now....

  • You are independent. Man, are you independent. You want to do everything yourself. Pick our your cup, your plate, your clothes, your towel, your food, etc. You name it, YOU want to do it. Or as you say, "Do it big boy!!!" (Do it like a big boy). I guess this will serve you well later in life, right?
  • Your language development is seriously booming! You are dropping sentences like no other and putting adjectives with verbs. Seriously blows our minds.
  • You are still full of energy. SO full of energy. Your mama cannot keep up with you despite my continued efforts and I try to hard just to be on YOUR program.
  • Tantrums....whoa, the tantrums. These have been happening a lot at bedtime and your father and I seriously leave your room at night so baffled at the sequence of events. I don't know if it's just you being overly tired from the day, but you seriously give us a run for our money.
But ultimately, you're still cute, sweet, loving, and the darn sweetest boy around. Even on the hardest of days you are still our sweet little babe and we wouldn't trade being your parents for the world!

So, to soften the blow of the terrible two's, here is a picture of just how charmingly cute you are!

We love you!

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