Monday, February 5, 2018

Potty Training in Progress

We seem to be in a positive streak of potty training currently in the Leach residence. I hope that this blog post isn't going to jinx us. Back in October, James was super into potty training and then we hit a lull and some resistance. John and I decided we weren't going to push it and let him decide when he was ready. In the past few weeks something triggered and he started using the potty again at school, so we took that as an opportunity to help push him along. We have been using bribery such as stickers and M&Ms and have so far had some luck. We are still very much on "James time" in terms of when he does/doesn't want to potty. He has pooped on the potty a few times which has totally shocked us, but he was SO excited and you could tell he felt so accomplished with our praise afterwards. He has even taken it so far to a few times around 4:00 AM letting us know he needs to potty, so we oblige (and it's quite the process).

I will say, potty training in my opinion has been one of the hardest and frustrating things to date. The patience it much patience, it is definitely challenging this mama. But, hopefully we can get the job done before this baby makes it's appearance in August.

I will say though, sometimes the funniest and cutest things come out of his mouth during potty time and admittedly his excitement with his accomplishment makes us proud.

Keep it up little buddy! You're doing great!

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