Thursday, January 4, 2018

Here we go again!

Well, just when I think life couldn't possibly throw us any more curve balls, God continues to surprise us in wondrous ways!

Back story: We had been planning on a second child for a few months now. After some failed attempts and frustration I established care with a new doctor (my old OB with James left her practice and moved). Upon establishing care at my appointment on December 15th and talking through some things, my doctor suggested we do some testing then plan for "Clomid" since I'm likely not ovulating. So, I left and went on my merry way to talk through all of the madness with John.

Then comes the weekend- spent mostly trying to comfort James who was sick and needed extra TLC. We discovered Sunday, 12/17 that he has pneumonia.

Monday, December 18th I stayed home with James to take care of him. I spent a large part of my morning juggling him, work and trying to get future fertility appointments scheduled. After much frustration and a trip to the doctor with James I had all of my future appointments set.

Here comes the funny part....

I don't know what truly prompted me to take a pregnancy test, but I randomly thought my right boob hurt so I thought, "what the heck, might as well!" (I had also stocked up on ovulation kits and pregnancy tests over the weekend preparing for the fertility madness- jokes on me!!). In that moment I chuckled as it was instantly positive. I texted John immediately who shared his humor and was not a bit surprised. I peed on 3 more sticks before I finally convinced myself I was pregnant (FYI- they were all positive).

The funnier part comes when I had to call back the OB fertility nurse and tell her I was pregnant. haha! We both had a good chuckle. She said my doctor wanted me to get labs asap- so since James refused to nap I drug him along with me.

My nurse called me this morning and said I am indeed pregnant. I will get more labs done tomorrow (12/20) to confirm even more and will get an ultrasound done on the 29th to confirm a due date since my cycles were all over the board.

We are ecstatic and are ready for the journey ahead! When I asked James during bath last night if he wanted a baby at our house, he replied, "YES!".

So now the adventure begins!

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