Saturday, January 13, 2018

First Prenatal Appointment

John and I ventured to the OB for my first prenatal appointment. It was pretty routine, going through all of the basics. My doctor asked me if I had any concerns to which I replied, “I just need to know my due date.” She laughed and I think she probably thought I was a little crazy. She tried to see the baby with a handheld sonogram but it was too hard to see. Luckily, she pulled some strings and was able to get me a vitality US just down the hall. Yes!!

The appointment with my Doctor ended and we ventured to ultrasound to sneak a peek at our babe. After some measurements it was determined that I am 8 weeks (today) along. Baby’s heartbeat was 164 and was already forming arm and leg buds.

We left the appointments on cloud nine with the realization that this is finally happening. We are so excited!

We were excited to get home to show James the pics of the baby and talk to him about it. He was very excited and immediately pointed to the white little bean shape in the picture that is the baby. He is going to be an awesome brother!

I go back to my OB on February 13th and will see the high risk doctor for a consult due to factor V on the 25th of January.

Keep on growing sweet babe. You are already so loved!!

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