Monday, January 23, 2017

15 Months

James turned 15 months on the 16th. It's hard to believe our little guy is 15 months old! Time continues to fly by and he is changing by the second. James is ALL boy, busy and determined to be independent and wild. Here are some highlights about him at this age.

  • Games: He LOVES to be silly and play games with us. One in particular is "Peek-A-Boo".
"Where's James?"
"There he is!"
  • Sleep... ah yes, sleep. What is sleep again? I wish I could report that James has been a stellar sleeper, but lets just say we have sort of regressed a little since turning one. He is often waking in the middle of the night, requires a little rocking, and then usually goes back down easily. The past few weeks he has really fought going to bed. He's usually ready for bed around 6:30 or 7:00. But lately he's been fighting it until around 10:00. Of course I'm sure that the ongoing cough and teething don't help our cause. Son, what is the deal?! Can you PLEASE go back to being a good sleeper! I will say, I melt when I go to get him up for the day or from nap and I find him happy as a clam in the corner of his crib (as pictured below).

  • Active. Boy do we have an active one on our hands. He is either 0 mph or 100 mph, no in-between. He knows how to climb the stairs both directions, climbs on toys and his plush chair. You name it, he will conquer it! He is also big into anything that involves the dishwasher and is likely just a few short months away from figuring out how to open doors. I fear this is only the beginning....
Trying to open the door to the basement. We're going to have to figure out how to lock this door as if the alarm is set and he opens the door, he'll trip the alarm. Oh boy.
My dishwasher helper. Not only does he help unload the dishes, but you can often find him messing with the buttons and adjust the settings and then starting a new cycle. Never dull I tell ya!
Improper use of his chair.
Aaaaaand, more improper use of his chair.
"Mom, you don't see me up on this thing."

  • It seems our guy is getting good at pretend play. You can often find him playing doctor, trying to listen to your heart or check your ears. He does this unprompted. Perhaps too many trips to the doctor in his ripe age of 15 months?

"Here, let me just take a quick look in those ears."

  • I hate to say it, for fear of hurting his daddy's feelings, but we have a HUGE mama's boy on our hands. He always has his eye on me, is my little shadow, and most often found snuggling me or attached to my leg. While there are times when I'm exhausted and need space, the cuteness and love totally melts my heart and I wouldn't trade it for the world. These babes are only little once right? And I'm sure there will be a day where he totally hates me and doesn't want to dish out the kisses upon command. So until then, I'll just soak it up! Slobbery, crumb covered kisses and all. :) 

On another mama's boy note- as I was putting James to bed the other night I told him to bring me a book to read him. He brought me the book below, looked at me and said "Mam" (mom). Heart = mush!!!

  • Sweet boy continues to love books. Love, love, loves them! And we love that he loves them. He will sit there and just thumb through books for a period of time, just being quiet and good. Some of his favorites include.
    • Brown Bear- "Brah Brah"
    • Iggy Peck Architect- "Iggy"
    • Any Biscuit Book- He often refers to these books by barking as he brings it to you.
    • The Big Night Night Book- "Nigh Nigh"
    • Hop on Pop- "Pop"
    • Beekle- "Bee"

He's also started a new love for puzzles and is getting pretty good at them. He doesn't always get them to fit in the right spit, but he is darn good to at least get them in the right vicinity. 


  • He still LOVES bath time! Or as he calls it, "Baah". This is a James and Daddy activity. They are often clowning around while getting ready for bed. It's fun to listen to the shenanigans going on as they go through the bedtime routine. They have such a good bond already and I'm so blessed that John is such a wonderful father.

  • James is still enrolled in daycare. I work 4 days/week so he is often home with me on those days. We do feel that he really enjoys being at daycare with all of his friends and teachers. Just last week his teachers have shared that he has been a little "aggressive" at school. :) When John told me this I had a good chuckle. Apparently James is a little rough with showing his affection and hugging his friends. :) He also plays rough with toys while he's there. A few weeks ago I received a call from his lead teacher letting me know he had been running with a toy, tripped and cut his eye. He got a pretty gnarly black eye and fat lip out of the deal! 

  • Words- sweet boy has quite the vocabulary going! It wasn't until his check up over the weekend that I realized he is communicating a lot of different words and can recite majority of the animal noises on demand. No doubt there are many more, but this is all that comes to mind at the current moment. Needless to say he is becoming quite the chatter box!
    • Bye- "Buh- Buh"
    • Mama
    • Dada 
    • Car- "Caw"
    • Sock- "Cawk"
    • Yogurt- "Oh-gurt"
    • Dog- "Daw"
    • Belly Button- "Beh-Buh"
    • Water- "Wah"
    • Truck- "Uck"
    • Mouth- "Muh"

  • James is 100% on whole milk now. We ended our breastfeeding journey at the end of 2016. It was definitely hard to stop, but I knew it was only going to get harder. And, he was doing just fine being on majority of whole milk. We made it 14 months! I'm so thankful for the experience and that we made it that far. I would have never guessed I would have even made it to 3 months, but we did it. I still have a few bags of frozen milk in the freezer. Not sure what I'll do with them yet but they'll be there for now. I read things periodically about "milk bathes" for diaper rashes or other skin irritations, so maybe we'll save it for a rainy day. Who knows. Since stopping breastfeeding John and I have been sharing more of the load in terms of bedtime routine, meal times, etc. It's amazing how much time is freed up now that his breastfeeding journey is done. Definitely bittersweet.

I'm sure there are many things that I'm forgetting to document here, but these area all of the things that come to mind. We are SO grateful to be this guys' mom and dad. He is no doubt the light of our lives and brings so much joy to our everyday. We only pray that he continues to grow and develop into a healthy toddler.

We love you to the moon and back sweet boy!

Happy New Year!

After a busy Christmas weekend and starting off the last week of December with a diagnosis of RSV for James, we headed north to Des Moines for the Birnbaum/Widmer/Howe/Leach Christmas gathering. We were able to hit the road a little earlier than anticipated on the 30th allowing James to get in a nap. We had barely been on the road for five minutes when I turned around and saw this sight.

Then about half way through the journey, I turned around to see someone snacking on his toes. :)

We arrived in DM mid afternoon. Jillian didn't waste any time at all applying her mothering skills on James.
  Jack also enjoyed some James snuggle time.


At the mercy of Aunt Malia and Aunt Meggie.


Post dinner bath assistance from cousin Adrienne. She was the best helper and did a great job of washing James' hair.
Bath time wouldn't be complete without more cousin fun. Rub-a-dub-dub...silly boys in the tub!

After the kids were all dressed in their new jammies, we had to get the obligatory cousin pic. Just precious!

The kids all had a blast exchanging gifts. This year, we thought it would be fun for them all to have a "Secret Santa". I think they all enjoyed it!

All of the kids headed for bed so the adults could have some time of sanity. But first, James and Urban had to have a stare down. :)

Toddler vs Cat

Sisters and husbands game night. We had many laughs and stayed up way past our bedtimes!

Saturday morning, the gang minus Grammy headed to a new donut shop called, Hurt's Donut. James was lucky enough to get to sample his first donut. The verdict? He approved!


After some shopping time at Jordan Creek post devouring donuts, we headed back to G & G's for some snuggles and quiet time.

Saturday afternoon was also filled with a craft, orchestrated by G and G. Bird houses for the birds in the back yard. The bigger kids all decorated with food on their houses while James colored his.

Mores snuggles with cousin Jack. These 2 are buddies!

Silly boy cousins!

James' sleep schedule was less than stellar while at G & G's. Both Friday and Saturday night he decided he would party from 1-4/5 in the morning. Needless to say we were all feeling a little toasted. Here, I caught Grandad and James asleep. Grandad had snuck in the room to rock him so he would actually take a nap.


 The Howe and Widmer clan had loaded up and headed to their respective homes on Sunday while we stayed at G and G's another night. I think James enjoyed the one-on-one attention from G and G. Here, James enjoyed showing off for Grammy in the tub as he flopped around like a fish.

Such an ornery little look!
Cute, wittle buns!
Being ornery standing up as Grammy kept telling him to sit down.

 We headed back south late morning on Monday. James enjoyed yet another nap on the way home.

It was a great weekend and a great start to the year to get to be with family. Happy New Year!