Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Man, is James starting to talk more and more these days! Today I took a minute to really think about all of the different words he is saying and turns out he's got quite the list running at the ripe age of 13 months. Here's what I recall to date.

  • "Dah"- Dog
  • "Cak"- Cat
  • "Buh"- Ball (as he holds up a ball or brings one to you).
  • "Blah"- Block (as he holds one up, brings one to you, or builds with them).
  • "Mama"
  • "Dada"
  • "Ooh"- This means Cheerios
  • "BeBe"- Baby
  • "Roh"- Hello (as he holds my phone to his face).
  • "Aah Dun"- All done
He is still barking at anything that looks remotely close to a dog and it's absolutely adorable. The other day I was surprised when we were reading books and he flipped to a page, pointed at the dog ("Dah") and started barking. Smart, little cookie he is!

Oh James, you just continue to become more fun and it truly is a joy to watch you grow and learn each day. We love you to pieces!

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