Tuesday, November 22, 2016

1 Year Check-Up (Belated Post)

James had his 1 year check-up back on October 19th. I had planned this after his birthday festivities to avoid any issues with his vaccines. He did pretty good overall at the appointment. His pediatrician is pleased with his growth and development thus far. Poor kid has developed some Dr.'s office anxiety thanks to all of his months of RSV and ear infections. Needless to say Dr. D recommended we invest in a toy doctor kit to practice. Haha! Only the kid of a nurse, right?!

Here are his stats at 1 year:

Weight: 22lbs. 8oz. (50%)- exactly tripled from birth!
Height: 29 inches (40%)
Head Circumference: 18 3/4 inches

We talked a bit about weaning and starting to introduce whole milk (we're working on it!). We got the green light for him to try eggs and peanut butter- both are HUGE hits now and he tolerates them just fine. He had to get his CBC and lead level drawn which indicated a little anemia, so we're adding in an iron supplement and then will get his labs re-drawn at his 15 month appointment.

Keep up the good work on your growth and development, little man!

Waiting for Dr. D.

Happy before his exam and shots.
Taking a good nap post appointment.

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