Tuesday, November 22, 2016


Man, is James starting to talk more and more these days! Today I took a minute to really think about all of the different words he is saying and turns out he's got quite the list running at the ripe age of 13 months. Here's what I recall to date.

  • "Dah"- Dog
  • "Cak"- Cat
  • "Buh"- Ball (as he holds up a ball or brings one to you).
  • "Blah"- Block (as he holds one up, brings one to you, or builds with them).
  • "Mama"
  • "Dada"
  • "Ooh"- This means Cheerios
  • "BeBe"- Baby
  • "Roh"- Hello (as he holds my phone to his face).
  • "Aah Dun"- All done
He is still barking at anything that looks remotely close to a dog and it's absolutely adorable. The other day I was surprised when we were reading books and he flipped to a page, pointed at the dog ("Dah") and started barking. Smart, little cookie he is!

Oh James, you just continue to become more fun and it truly is a joy to watch you grow and learn each day. We love you to pieces!

1 Year Check-Up (Belated Post)

James had his 1 year check-up back on October 19th. I had planned this after his birthday festivities to avoid any issues with his vaccines. He did pretty good overall at the appointment. His pediatrician is pleased with his growth and development thus far. Poor kid has developed some Dr.'s office anxiety thanks to all of his months of RSV and ear infections. Needless to say Dr. D recommended we invest in a toy doctor kit to practice. Haha! Only the kid of a nurse, right?!

Here are his stats at 1 year:

Weight: 22lbs. 8oz. (50%)- exactly tripled from birth!
Height: 29 inches (40%)
Head Circumference: 18 3/4 inches

We talked a bit about weaning and starting to introduce whole milk (we're working on it!). We got the green light for him to try eggs and peanut butter- both are HUGE hits now and he tolerates them just fine. He had to get his CBC and lead level drawn which indicated a little anemia, so we're adding in an iron supplement and then will get his labs re-drawn at his 15 month appointment.

Keep up the good work on your growth and development, little man!

Waiting for Dr. D.

Happy before his exam and shots.
Taking a good nap post appointment.

Monday, November 14, 2016

Lately.......in pictures

It seems we've been having a busy November so far. And it keeps getting busier! Here are some things we've been up to...via pictures.

We continue to be a ham in the bathtub!

 Wednesdays call for fun at the park with mom! And a little jog along Ward Pkwy.

James has started experimenting with his spoon and yogurt. He LOVES to feed himself and is so proud of himself when he actually gets food into his mouth. :)

"Ah, I see it in there."
"Got it!"
"Mmmm....much easier without the spoon!"
"Forget the spoon!"

 Someone has also started showing interest in escaping at the back door. Hopefully this isn't shade of what is to come during his teen years! :/

And we are SO in LOVE with our stuffed puppy! Good thing the neighbors bought a new golden retriever for you to make friends with for the many years to come.
More escaping at the back door!

Being cute before bed in our new moose jammies! 

Last weekend we took a little day trip to Lawrence for some yummy Freestate, haircuts, and a stroll down Mass St. It was a hit! Minus the terrorizing haircut for James, of course!
"Mmm, what's that mom?"
Coloring with my boy.
Daddy's turn to color.
Daddy showing James the ropes of Mass St. Our future Jayhawk!

Post haircut (and crying session) at the barber on Mass St.

We even tested out some bikes at Sunflower Bike Shop.
A quiet building session on a chilly Sunday afternoon.
And then of course we voted! :)

Birthday Re-Cap

Turns out, our lives have been a bit chaotic lately and I'm a tad behind on my blogging game....

James had his big 1st birthday party on his birthday, October 16th. After much discussion between John and I we opted to have his party at the shelter at Loose Park. It was a gamble we took as we knew weather could go either way, but given the fact that we were still awaiting new furniture in our house and a large guest list, we went with it. Turns out it was a brilliant decision. We couldn't have asked for a better day for his party. The weather was in the mid/upper 80's, breezy, and full of sunshine. It. Was. Perfect!

We started the day with the obligatory balloon, cake, and food pick up. Daddy and Grandad ran those errands while mommy manned the chaos at home and loaded the goods to head up to the park. We ventured up to Loose Park around 10:30, in time to set up before Shannon would come to take pictures around 11:00. **Side note: I had wanted Shannon to come to take pictures of the big event as I knew I would have literally zero time to take pictures. Which, I didn't take a single picture. I am still anxiously awaiting our proofs from Shannon and I'm so excited to get see them.**

We took family pictures for a while and then people started pouring. We ended up having Pot Belly deliver sandwiches (I also told John if this was happening at a park that I wasn't cooking!)- another win! Everyone that arrived grazed over food and conversation. We were towing the line with naptime so we quickly did the big cake smash after lunch while we had James' attention.

After the party poor James crashed for a nap. Boy cousins, Jack and Bryce and Aunt Meggie and Uncle D stuck around KC to help James open his presents before heading back to Boonville. Some fun memories were sure made!

The day was a blur, but it was absolutely perfect and as we had envisioned. It was great to see so many loved ones gather together to help us celebrate our sweet boy. We were so grateful to each person that came!

Here are a few pictures from the day. We are anxiously awaiting our professional pictures from Shannon (as I took ZERO pictures on the big day) and as soon as I get them I'm post them.

His new tunnel toy from mom and dad.
Birthday love from cousin Jack! :)