Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Fall Firsts

It seems the month of October is already off to a busy start. We started the month with a much needed family day. I am off on Wednesdays and basically forced John to take a day of PTO and have some fun with us!

We started off the morning with a trip to Weston! We enjoyed a yummy lunch at the Irish Pub- O'Malley's. Great food, good beer, and even better company. The weather was awesome so we took advantage of the patio seating. James did absolutely awesome the entire time and devoured his lunch in record time.

Next stop- Red Barn Farm! I spent many times at this awesome orchard/farm as a kid. It was on the route to my grandparent's farm and was always a big pit stop during those fall trips to the farm. The glory of going on a Wednesday was that there were hardly any people there. Which was awesome! We didn't have to battle the crazy weekend crowd. We spent some time walking around, looking at the animals and picking out some pumpkins before heading home. James definitely had his opinions on which pumpkins he wanted and wasn't afraid to tell dad which ones to fetch. This was his first time to pick out pumpkins and he definitely had a great time.

 To end the day we make a trip to the Brookside Barber shop for James' first haircut! His hair wasn't super out of control but he had a pretty good looking mullet that he needed to have tamed. I figured with his upcoming birthday party and family pictures that it was probably time. The consensus? He was less than thrilled. I'll let the rest of the photos speak for themselves. :)

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