Monday, August 15, 2016

Saturday Night Sickness

We spent the late night hours of Saturday in the ER with James. As he was getting ready for bed around 8:00pm he suddenly started vomiting. A LOT. About 4 times with large amounts of vomit. I'll spare you the rest of the details, but it was awful. Poor kid was losing fluids and energy quickly so we opted to take him in and get checked out.

nce in the ER the poor kid continued to dry heave. He barely had any energy and would just lay his head on the side of the barf bag and was like a limp noodle. Upon exam, the doctor ordered a few tests while we got him started on some Zofran and a fluid challenge with some pedialyte. Zofran is such a miracle drug. It helped settle his tummy ad he was able to hold down some pedialyte between little naps. Poor kid was wiped out.

After about 4 hours in the ER we headed home with the diagnosis of a "stomach bug". All of his scans were clear and we would just have to ride this out.

Sunday was a rough day. James was pretty clingy, fussy, restless, you name it. The poor kid felt awful and you could tell. We did our best to keep him pretty calm and stay low key. We pretty much limited him to breast milk and pedialyte. He tolerate some rice cereal with bananas and that was pretty much it. Despite fighting to sleep yesterday and fighting going to bed, he slept 12 hours! The rest was much needed for him and mommy and daddy.

We're crossing our fingers that he continues to be on the mend. What a rough almost 48 hours it has been for all of us.

Sleeping on daddy in the ER.

Poor baby. :(
Reading books with daddy on Sunday morning.
Poor baby struggled to get some sleep. So a little ride in the car helped him get a 45-60 minute nap.
Snuggling on momma.

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