Sunday, April 15, 2018

Happy Half

Sweet James,

Here we are on the eve of your half birthday. I don't know what else to say other than I have no idea where the last six months have disappeared to. You have grown so much these last six months- physically (more height than weight) and cognitively! Some things that I am loving about you at this age.

  • You are funny! You are starting to play jokes on daddy and I and they are truly endearing. You think you are so funny at times and we love to play along.
  • You are definitely getting taller. Gaining weight is a different story- still stuck around 28 pounds, but not sure how you could possibly gain weight when you are constantly running from point A to point B. You are, however, getting taller and are around 34 inches tall.
  • Eating- you are still relatively picky. You have your favorite foods and we are ok with that. Rather than just fighting you at mealtimes we will literally give you anything that you will actually consume.
  • You have turned into a TV addict. Largely because you still have to do breathing treatments. but admittedly sometimes because your mom is tired on a Saturday morning and wants to consume a hot cup of coffee.
  • You are smart. Gosh, you are so smart. You can count to an insanely high number for your age, talk in sentences, understand emotion, and are so, so ornery!!
  • You are basically potty trained- aside from diaper/pull-ups at nap and bedtime. You are totally rocking it and we are so proud of you!!!
  • You love: Paw Patrol, Dora, Trolls, Peanut Butter, Dove chocolates (this is mommy's fault!), Routine, Being outside, Baseball (The Royals), Bananas, Carbs, Elmo and Blankey, Riding the Street Car, Books....and so much more.
  • Amidst the loss of your baby sister, you have really been a trooper while Mommy and Daddy sort through all sorts of emotions and medical complications. You are flexible whenever we need you to be and are always happy to have the help of others when we have had to recruit it. We are so grateful and appreciative of this, son!!

James- you are truly the light and love of our lives. We are so grateful for you and your challenging toddler ways. We love you to the moon and back!!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, sitting

Mommy and Daddy

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