Monday, April 30, 2018

Boys and Briefs

James is totally rocking potty training these days. He is not only in a pull-up or diaper for nap and bedtime. A few times, he surprises us and wakes up from nap or bed totally dry! Yay! He has been experimenting with his preferred method of using the potty whether standing up or sitting down- totally depends on his mood at the moment. I'll say, him standing is quite comical although lets be bathrooms are now getting cleaned 24/7 due to the unpredictable aim. Ha!

I will say though, I think boys in brief underwear is absolutely the cutest and one of my favorite things these days.  He gets so excited to pick out his pair of choice for the day and is so excited about the characters.

That being said, here are some pictures to prove the cuteness! :)

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Issues Continue

If you'd ask me, I'd tell you that the last 7-8 weeks have undoubtedly been the hardest days/weeks of my life. While I don't wish to bog down the family blog with posts of sadness of our baby girl's loss, I also firmly believe that this is a piece of our family's puzzle. Part of our story. This is real. Raw. And believe is something that will shape our family regardless of the hardship(s) we face.

The end of February is what we believed to have been "a new beginning" for our family as we began to hurdle and work through the loss of our daughter. What I thought were weeks of rebuilding my strength and mental status was really taking us down yet another path of grief.

Post procedure in the ED and in the doctor's office, I had been told that I had everything from our pregnancy removed. That there was now a clean slate to move ahead. I thought I was getting stronger and able to look ahead when the inconsistent bleeding had me suspicious. After a few weeks of irregular bleeding I finally decided to call my doctor for a plan. Her recommendation given my current symptoms was to do another ultrasound to check for any abnormalities. Another ultrasound and another reminder that I wasn't pregnant- but okay, I obliged. I was off for a few days for Easter to visit family and was able to be squeezed in (pays to be friends with the OB manager at work!!). While I went in anticipating a normal ultrasound I left with the opposite. The physician came in the room to read my ultrasound live, only to inform me that I likely still had retained products of conception. I left feeling so confused. So frustrated, yet still trying to go about my day/weekend with family.

Fast forward to the next day, I decided to call my doctor's nurse to see what the plan was. My doctor, who happened to be on vacation, called me herself. The recommendation was to this time have another procedure- a full D&C so that she could clean everything out. Insert whirlwind of emotions here!!! How? How could we possibly be back to square one? We thought we were moving forward, trying to grow our family again and now this? I kept asking, why God, why!?

Pre-op called me on Monday to talk about the D&C that would take place on Tuesday. I was coming down from a cold and they were telling me not to be surprised if anesthesia would cancel it until I was better. I had so much anger built up inside. "Why did I have to be sick? Why didn't they get everything the first time? WHY!??!" Also, the thought of being put under as a mom is completely unnerving. I think that had me torn up more than anything- leaving James that morning and just praying to God that the medical staff would keep me safe and allow me to wake up and go home to my baby boy who so desperately still needs me.

We got to pre-op on Tuesday morning (thank goodness John could be there as he was supposed to be in Kentucky for work). My heart cringed every time someone asked me what procedure I was having. It was almost always followed with, "Do you have other children? How far along were you?". So hard. The pre-op staff were great and I'd have to say that undoubtedly, God knew I needed him that day. While emotionally waiting in pre-op, for anesthesia to assess me, my pre-op nurse popped her head in my room and handed me a piece of paper which stated this in the picture below.

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She definitely didn't have to write that, but she did. Whether she truly knows or not what it's like to be in my situation, just knowing that she truly cared meant so much to me in that moment.

Here we are about two weeks out from that procedure. I've had a f/u with my doctor and she said all looks good and healthy at this point, which is much improved from before my procedure. Although I am battling some other health concerns physically, I am doing my best to make myself the healthiest and best person, wife, and mama possible.

I hope and pray that we have overcome this obstacle. Has it been difficult? More than I can even describe. Will it change things going forward? I certainly imagine. I started seeing a new therapist a few weeks ago and I absolutely love her. My favorite interaction with her from my session was the fact that she told me she wants to continue seeing me even through another pregnancy. That she can help me conquer this hurdle so that I can hopefully someday enjoy being pregnant again.

To all mama's out there that have lost a baby- I get you. I may not get the stage that you lost your sweet baby at, but I get that you "lost". You lost a piece of your heart that can never be replaced. Sending big hugs and prayers.

Loss is hard, loss is real, but I pray that the storm of our loss will eventually lead us to a bright, sunny day.

Happy Half

Sweet James,

Here we are on the eve of your half birthday. I don't know what else to say other than I have no idea where the last six months have disappeared to. You have grown so much these last six months- physically (more height than weight) and cognitively! Some things that I am loving about you at this age.

  • You are funny! You are starting to play jokes on daddy and I and they are truly endearing. You think you are so funny at times and we love to play along.
  • You are definitely getting taller. Gaining weight is a different story- still stuck around 28 pounds, but not sure how you could possibly gain weight when you are constantly running from point A to point B. You are, however, getting taller and are around 34 inches tall.
  • Eating- you are still relatively picky. You have your favorite foods and we are ok with that. Rather than just fighting you at mealtimes we will literally give you anything that you will actually consume.
  • You have turned into a TV addict. Largely because you still have to do breathing treatments. but admittedly sometimes because your mom is tired on a Saturday morning and wants to consume a hot cup of coffee.
  • You are smart. Gosh, you are so smart. You can count to an insanely high number for your age, talk in sentences, understand emotion, and are so, so ornery!!
  • You are basically potty trained- aside from diaper/pull-ups at nap and bedtime. You are totally rocking it and we are so proud of you!!!
  • You love: Paw Patrol, Dora, Trolls, Peanut Butter, Dove chocolates (this is mommy's fault!), Routine, Being outside, Baseball (The Royals), Bananas, Carbs, Elmo and Blankey, Riding the Street Car, Books....and so much more.
  • Amidst the loss of your baby sister, you have really been a trooper while Mommy and Daddy sort through all sorts of emotions and medical complications. You are flexible whenever we need you to be and are always happy to have the help of others when we have had to recruit it. We are so grateful and appreciative of this, son!!

James- you are truly the light and love of our lives. We are so grateful for you and your challenging toddler ways. We love you to the moon and back!!

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Mommy and Daddy

Belated Easter Pics

'Tis the season for (belated) Easter pics. Here are some shots that we had taken of James a few weeks before Easter. Although a bit unsure at first, he seemed to love it!!

Not pictured: the potty accident and tears as daddy hauled him to the car while mommy picked these three pics. :)

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Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling

More Potty Updates

Here we are about another month into potty training. Admittedly, I didn't think we would be this far or this successful into the potty training business. We really owe a lot of it to James' teachers at school. The peeing in the potty has not been the issue, and we are even getting creative now with standing and using the potty. Pooping in the potty (or lack there of) is what had me scared for a while that we would never have a social life again. Many pairs of underpants were lost in the transition and duplicates of character underwear were Primed.

Now, our guy is a potty rock star! He is only in pull-ups/diapers for nap and bedtime, and often wakes up dry. We are so, so proud of him and could not have envisioned this going any better (despite a few hiccups)!

James, we are SO proud of you! Keep it up big boy!!!