Tuesday, December 26, 2017

'Tis the Season!

The month of December was packed full of events. One of the biggest events that I want to document was James' Christmas Program at school this year. Since he is now in the 2 year old room he got to participate. They spend weeks rehearsing at school to get ready for the big event and it could not have been more adorable! We were sadly missing Daddy at this event who was out of town for work, but so glad Grammy and Boo Boo were able to make it!

James did great! I'll admit, I was a little fearful that he would be the one screaming and crying, but he marched right up there, sang his songs, and then stood up and clapped at the end for his job well done!

Great job, James! We are so proud of you and look forward to the many years ahead of these adorable Christmas programs. :)

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