Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Thanksgiving Re-Cap

Note- another severely delayed blog post! Here is my attempt to catch-up to-date!

We spent Thanksgiving in KC again this year! All things considered, it was pretty relaxing. We went to John's dad's side of the family for lunch and then hosted dinner with Boo Boo, Mikey, and Bethany (who was home alone sans Kyle on-call for work).

Of course a holiday wouldn't be complete without a sick child. As soon as we got James in bed the night of Thanksgiving and sat down to relax, we heard a barky, croupy cough through the monitor.

After a few minutes of waiting we decided to put him in the car and head to CMH for some steroids knowing that it wouldn't clear without intervention. A quick stop in the ED for some meds and we were back home within an hour.

The rest of the weekend was spent helping James recover from croup, a quick visit to Santa, and getting the house decorated for Christmas.

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