Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Merry Christmas!

Well, we are coming down off of the Christmas high today and a few of us are back to reality. We have conquered three Christmases and have one remaining (this upcoming weekend in Des Moines). James was nothing short of spoiled and made out like a bandit with all sorts of new toys, books, clothes, etc. He did great with opening gifts and was truly interested in checking each one out individually before moving on to the next one.

We hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! More pics to come.....

'Tis the Season!

The month of December was packed full of events. One of the biggest events that I want to document was James' Christmas Program at school this year. Since he is now in the 2 year old room he got to participate. They spend weeks rehearsing at school to get ready for the big event and it could not have been more adorable! We were sadly missing Daddy at this event who was out of town for work, but so glad Grammy and Boo Boo were able to make it!

James did great! I'll admit, I was a little fearful that he would be the one screaming and crying, but he marched right up there, sang his songs, and then stood up and clapped at the end for his job well done!

Great job, James! We are so proud of you and look forward to the many years ahead of these adorable Christmas programs. :)

Thanksgiving Re-Cap

Note- another severely delayed blog post! Here is my attempt to catch-up to-date!

We spent Thanksgiving in KC again this year! All things considered, it was pretty relaxing. We went to John's dad's side of the family for lunch and then hosted dinner with Boo Boo, Mikey, and Bethany (who was home alone sans Kyle on-call for work).

Of course a holiday wouldn't be complete without a sick child. As soon as we got James in bed the night of Thanksgiving and sat down to relax, we heard a barky, croupy cough through the monitor.

After a few minutes of waiting we decided to put him in the car and head to CMH for some steroids knowing that it wouldn't clear without intervention. A quick stop in the ED for some meds and we were back home within an hour.

The rest of the weekend was spent helping James recover from croup, a quick visit to Santa, and getting the house decorated for Christmas.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Parent's Weekend

John and I were fortunate enough to enjoy a quick 48 hour, parent's weekend out in early December. KU Basketball was playing in a tournament in Miami, so we took advantage of the opportunity and my companion pass for a short weekend get away. We left James with Boo Boo and away we went.

The weekend was fast, a blur, and full of great seafood, fun and drinks with good company. And not to mention, amazing weather!

Thanks for being so good to us, FL!

Image may contain: 1 person, smiling, standing, ocean, sky, cloud, sunglasses, outdoor, water and nature

Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Birthday Party Weekend Recap

Well, here we are again on another late blog post! Hey, at least I'm not in denial. Keep scrolling to see some pictures from James' Birthday Party Weekend.