Sunday, October 8, 2017

Toddler Life

Oh, James. Where do I even begin to go into detail about your current phase of toddler-hood. You are one ball of energy, love,  sass, independence, words and oh so much fun rolled into one. I need to start keeping a notepad with me and writing things down that you do that make me giggle because life with you is just never dull. :)

Some things worth remembering to date.....

Your vocabulary is just booming for someone who is barely two. You know how to count to 20 on y our own, can recite the full alphabet and know many words to several songs. Some of my favorite words are as follows.

  • "Tee-Bee" (TV....all "V's" are subbed with a "B" and it's truly adorable)
  • "She-been"- Seven
  • "Dine-shore"- Dinosaur
  • "Rey-len"- Railing
  • If you want to declare that you want to "hold the___" something then you always say, "hold it"
  • "Scoop"- in "Scoop ovuh mama!"- this one makes me chuckle.
  • One night after bath (as I took the picture below) you shouted at me "No, Mama! Go room!" then proceeded to point in the direction of our room. So sassy!!

I wish I could think of more off the top of my head, but that is all that stands out at the moment.

You are slowly but surely getting the hang of this potty training gig. You are apparently a champion potty user at school, but home seems to be a totally different story. We are not into pushing you, but are willing to help you in the drop of a hat if you are interested in that moment. You have also started using the potty as a diversionary tactic at bedtime, often declaring "poop poootttttyyyyyy" as we are about to wrap up the bedtime routine. You are also well known for sitting on the potty for 5 seconds then quickly declaring you are done and want to wash your hands. But rather than running to the sink to wash your hands you run away from mom or dad and find a spot on the hardwoods to do your business. *sigh* Thank goodness for hardwoods!!

Sometimes potty time takes a while. Long enough for mommy to enjoy a glass of vino as you read "Count-a-Clock" to me.

You are loving school still and seem to be adjusting well to your new room. You now talk about all sorts of new friends and are always quick to tell us how much fun your day was and who you played with at school that day. Drop off seems to be going much better now that we take an obligatory fruit bar and applesauce pouch to ease the transition as you seem to enjoy eating breakfast with a few other friends in the room upon arrival.

Mealtimes seem to be hit or miss. Some days you are passionate about anything and other days you just want to stick to your food groups of dairy and carbs. Mommy and Daddy don't really seem to worry so much anymore about what you eat, but rather celebrate the fact that you sit down long enough to actually consume something. :)
We are still working on mealtime manners.

All-in-all, life is just perfect with you and we cherish each moment and day that you bring to our lives. Your life and light sure keeps us on our toes and fills our hearts to the fullest. Here's to your last week as a one year old!
Always moving or climbing on something.
"Let me call my agent..."
Watching "tee bee" in style.

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