Friday, October 20, 2017

Happy 2nd Birthday, James!

 Dear James,

You have officially turned the big number "2"! I think I ask myself every day how that is even possible. I had hoped to post this post on your official birthday, but it seems you keep me a tad busy these days that I am a few days behind. :) Where to even begin....

You are a joy and bring nothing by joy to our lives. You have given me this unexpected love in my heart that I didn't even know was possible. I knew I would love you more than anything in this world, because well, I am your mom and that is what mom's do. But, wow. Being your mom is like no other emotion and love I have ever felt in my life. I know your dad would say the same exact words and feels the same way.

You are- Funny. Energetic. Verbal (oh, so verbal!). Fast. Smart. Sweet. Sassy. Quick. And Loveable all rolled into one awesome, tiny human. Your hugs and sweetness simply melt me, and your toddler tendencies simply make us laugh. I have loved so many things about various phases of your life so far, but I think where you are right now is so fun. You communicate with us and carry on conversations about your day. Your verbal skills are great, yet a little choppy, but I love being one of the only people that understands you and can interpret for you. I miss you being a squishy, still baby, but I love how you keep me on my toes these days.

I pray that you continue to be healthy, flourish in life and in your development, and always seek God to guide you through life. We are so proud of the little man you are becoming and look forward to continuing to watch you grow and develop in life. I admire your zest and energy for life and can only hope and pray that you carry that with you as you get older.

Happy 2nd Birthday, sweet boy! We love you more than you even know!


Mom and Dad

1 day old, 1 year old, and 2 years old!

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